Eric Sun


Eric is living in Hong Kong and teaching at the Canadian International School Reunion Survey Answers 1999

1. What are you doing now?

Special Projects Manager, Canadian International School of Hong Kong Limited. Helping coordinate the project from the School side of things.

2. Are you married? When? Kids? How old?

No. Unless someone I'm not aware of has set a date.... Hope not.... N.A.?

3. Most exciting thing to happen to you since we graduated.

The nearly three years since I moved away from Finance.

4. Any graduate work?

Probably B-School this fall at the University of Western Ontario in Canada

5. Who do you most want to contact from our class/expect to see at the reunion?

It will be good to hook up and touch base with many in both classes. Specifically, Benny Chuchen, Shauna Muschewske.

6. Funniest memory from HKIS?

The whole cast of Charlie's Aunt COMPLETELY loosing it at our dress rehearsal, and the look on Sudesh Sani's face just before it happen.

7. What was your "Ten Years From Now?"...Did it happen?

Starring in "Cats" on Broadway. Nope, though community theatre off and on has been fun.

8. Now that we've grown up, are you what you wanted to be? What do you want to be?

Didn't know then, still don't know, and I couldn't have planned it better.

9. Favorite HKIS teacher? Least favorite?

Drs. Penha & Ostheller

They were all above average.

10. How many cities have you lived in since graduation?

4 - Toronto, Berkeley/Bay Area, Tokyo, Hong Kong

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