Kimberly Berg


Kim received her BA from BYU, lived in Spain for a year and a half as a missionary, and worked for a couple of years as a computer programmer. She is currently living in Salt Lake City, Utah, teaching Spanish at a private school. Her family has moved to Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and to Tokyo since they left HK. Her brother, Rusty (Class of 91), works as a computer programmer in Utah. Her sister, Barbara (Class of 95), is living in Sweden right now as a missionary for the LDS Church. Reunion Survey Answers 1999

1. What are you doing now?

I am teaching Spanish at the Waterford School in Salt Lake City, Utah and am moving to Seoul Korea this August to teach at Seoul International School for two years.

2. Are you married? When? Kids? How old?

Still single. No kids.

3. Most exciting thing to happen to you since we graduated.

I went on a mission for the LDS Church to Madrid, Spain. It was truly a life-changing experience. It also helped me finally pick a major I stuck with, Spanish, which in turn got me into teaching.

4. Any graduate work?

Just went back to University after my BA to get my teaching certification.

5. Who do you most want to contact from our class/expect to see at the reunion?

I am in contact with several people from HKIS, although I have lost Polly Streets, who I hear is living in the San Francisco area. I would love to see her again.

6. Funniest memory from HKIS?

The day I was dubbed "Sultry Vixen" and when Scott Wood broke his nose on a date with Rachel Kube.

7. What was your "Ten Years From Now?"...Did it happen?

"A famous comedienne and a household name". No, it did not happen, no matter how much I try to convince my high school students that is has.

8. Now that we've grown up, are you what you wanted to be? What do you want to be?

I didn't know that I wanted to be a teacher, although looking back I can see that I was heading in that direction. I wanted to continue to travel a lot and live overseas, so those dreams have come true.

9. Favorite HKIS teacher? Least favorite?

Dr. Penha for AP English. I use him as a model for my teaching now. Least favorite? I don't remember hating anyone, although Mr. Camrath was boring.

10. How many cities have you lived in since graduation?


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