The department started with one officer who left his home or work on the street department to answer police calls when needed. He was paid $75.00 per year for the service.
After four years, the police job was made full-time, but the common council had difficulty deciding if the officer should be on duty days or nights, or if there should be one or two policmen or none at all. Who would receive police appointments and how many policemen there should be were matters decided by the patronage politics of the time.
The name C. N. Shrope was first seen on the police payroll in 1890. He was appointed to position of chief of Police in 1892, a position he held for more than 30 years, during which he was, with the help of a special policeman when needed, "THE Washington Police Department".
Under Chief frank R. Lanning, the department grew to five members. He was active until 1940 and retained the title of chief until 1946.
The Washington Police went through an unpleasant period for the next 15 years, during which charges of inefficiency were traded among its members, the council, and the public.
A dramatic turning point was reached in 1964 when the department was completely reorganized and trained, laying the foundation for the highly respected organization it is today.
Chiefs of police serving since Lanning are Harry Hill, Harry Apgar, Elbert Skoog, Anthony Terminelli, Stephen Speirs, Douglas Koeppen,Daniel E. Mattos and presently George G. Cortellesi.
Todays force has an authorized membership of 13 including a full-time detective and K-9 Unit.
Employment with the Washington Borough Police Department is by Department of Personel Testing.