VACANCY: Some questions and answers

1. What is your reason for establishing an independent Church?

Jennifer Leung: "I am chairman as well as the founder of the Community Church Hong Kong. The motivation for establishing the Community Church was very basic. I was very touched by a great man's vision to spread the Gospel. This great man shall remain nameless but I prayed with him over a few months about this vision. At the end of the few months, he was unable to realize this vision for various reasons and the HOly Spirit touched my heart to carry out this vision. The vision is to spread the gospel to all races, all background which is why the church must be English Speaking and not Chinese."

 2. Style of Sermons?

Our liturgy is based most Sundays on the ABC lectionary. The congregation enjoys well researched and challenging teaching. In theology and doctrine we can be described as "evangelical and progressive." We expect sound contextual interpretation of the scriptures and their relevant application to the modern world and our lives. Sermons are in the 20-25 minute range.

3. Position on female members and gay members of the Congregation?

What do we mean by "inclusiveness" in our vision and mission statement? We welcome in our worship, in full participation in the program of the church, and in our elected leadership, all persons who seek God and who are open to the good news of Jesus Christ. To be a Serving Member baptism is a pre-condition. We choose to emphasize the embrace of God's love for all persons regardless of their sex, age, race, physical and mental abilities, education and economic status, sexual orientation and marital status. Our pastoral ministry specifically addresses our conviction based on the Good News that neither marital status, including divorce, nor sexual orientation, preclude anyone from full participation in the life of our congregation and in the working for the Kingdom of God.


4. There is mention of conservative segments and charismatic segments. Is there a liberal segment welcomed in the church?

We are truly a community church and represent many of the diverse doctrinal, denominational and ethnic inclinations commonly found in a world city like Hong Kong. In theology and doctrine we can be described as "evangelical and progressive". While there are about l00 Englilsh-language congregations in Hong Kong, CCHK would be among the few that are liberal. That identification says as much about the overwhelming orthodoxy and conservatism of local Protestant Christianity as it does about our own open-minded inclination.

5, Would the group be open to having a pastor who is open to all views, but is essentially liberal theologically as far as personal beliefs?

As above.

6. How far away from the place of worship is the manse?

The manse is located in Pokfulam on the West side of Hong Kong Island. The place of worship is in Central Plaza in Wanchai, approximately in the middle on the North side of Hong Kong Island. The distance is about 8 miles. There are many buses from Pokfulam to Central and Wanchai. It is also possible to use the MTR (Mass Transit Rail) part of the journey. The journey takes about 35 to 40 minutes.

7. How far away from the manse is the office?

The church office is also in Wanchai, about 10 minutes walking distance from the place of worship. The office is about 10 minutes from the Wanchai MTR station.

8. In the web page with the Congregation Profile mention is made of Home-Group; 'DISCIPLES'. Does this use the United Methodist material "DISCIPLE I, II and II Bible Study" or is that just a similar name?

The DISCIPLE course is based on the United Methodist DISCIPLE I course. It lasted 34 weeks. In this course the participants gathered in the home of one of the Church members, they studied the bible, shared a meal together, and prayed together. The course resulted in awakening the understanding of the bible. It made the bible much more alive.

9. Would a pastor need to purchase a car to function in Hong Kong?

No, firstly, public transport (MTR, railway, buses, taxis) is very well developed. Secondly, the size of Hong Kong is pretty small. Thirdly, car parking is exorbitantly expensive. Only a small percentage of the population has cars.

10. If friends or relatives visited, would public transportation be adequate to and from the airport or would we need to have a car?

The new airport is about 25 miles away from Central on Hong Kong island. There is a very fast, ultra modern Airport Express linking the airport to Hong Kong Island. The journey takes 25 minutes. Furthermore there are numerous buses from the airport to various places in the Hong Kong territory. Hong Kong is a very easy city to circulate in whether visitor or resident.

11. Does the full-time administrator do newsletters and bulletins? Is this person responsible for fundraising?

The administrator is responsible for the Church administration, preparing the worship bulletins, assisting the editor with the NEWSLETTER, helping the treasurer with bills and payments, and supporting the minister and officers in various tasks., many of them once only events. She works 5 days per week from 9am to 3pm. Fund raising is the responsibility of the Stewardship Committee, comprising volunteers.

12. Is there a view of the city from the 75th floor atrium where worship is held?

The worship is held on the top floor in the atrium of Central Plaza in Wanchai, on Hong Kong Island. It is the tallest tower in the whole of Hong Kong, and rises way above the surrounding tower blocks. The views are magnificent. The atrium has got very good acoustics and both singing and instrumental music there are wonderful requiring no amplication. The speaking voice is usually miked.