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"Protest and Silence"


One evening in November I attended a brief prayer service and a full briefing by the Christian Solidarity World-wide, Hong Kong Chapter, at The Methodist Church. It was less than two years ago that Ben Rogers arrived from London for legalwork here. Ben was asked by the world headquarters of CSW in the UK to organise a Hong Kong Chapter. Judging from the 50 or more persons who showed up for the briefing, he has done a good job.

A Roman Catholic priest from East Timor, Father Fernandez, told us about the struggles in his parish there. Then two Pakistani Christians, Robert and Salamat, told why they are under criminal prosecution for having violating Pakistan's strict anti-blasphemy laws. Salamat because he converted from Islam two years ago and Robert because he helped him. These young men recently visited with our confirmation class at CCHK. Their witness is scary. It still is very costly in many places to follow Christ.

Finally, Mervyn Thomas, who 20 years ago helped found CWS in the UK, spoke to us of the continuing need for a group who monitors the persecuted Church and tries to protect the human rights of Christians. In our own backyard of China there are ongoing instances of the official persecution of Christians and the Church which has been a mark of forty years of Marxist rule.

East Timor is the current "hot" case and Father Fernandez said that at least four priests and four nuns, along with many more laity, have been murdered by the militias in the upheaval accompanying the recent election there.

Less known Asian areas of persecution of Christians are Burma and Nepal.

Community Church gave financial support to CSW Hong Kong about a year ago. Although I was not able to rouse anyone to accompany me to the CSW briefing, I still hope some persons from our congregation will see this network of volunteers as requiring our interest.

My only disappointment regarding this public meeting to evaluate persecution of Christians in Asia was the absence of any mention of the current vendetta against the Falun Gong in China. The reaction of the Chinese Government to this Buddhist/Taoist sect is mammoth overkill by a scared bureaucracy. The crime of the Falun Gong is that last April 25, about l0,000 adherents managed to evade the security radar of the Chinese Government and stage a sit-down around Zhongnanhai, the party compound adjacent to Tiannamen Square and the Forbidden City.

This exercise of freedom in what the Chinese Government describes as a "free society" was such an affront to Zjiang Zemin that the state has gone all out to arrest, intimidate and destroy this spiritual sect. What disturbs me is that I have heard no Christian defense. No surprise that the Christians within China are keeping quiet, but what excuse for the Christians in Hong Kong and elsewhere?

It seems to me that when one group is persecuted for religious expression, all groups are in danger. The determination of the Chinese Government to suppress the Falun Gong, an effort facilitated by the conspiracy of silence, augurs poorly for the hoped for growth of Christian freedom in China.


Pastor Gene Preston

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The Rev. Gene R.Preston

14th Floor, Blk 36,
Lower Baguio Villa
Tel : 25516161
Fax: 25512114

E-mail : gpreston@netvigator.com

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