This is our oldest, Tracy. She married Daniel Medford on August 1, 2003 bringing in a son-in-law and granddaughter that both fit into our family perfectly. Tracy currently manages the mobile home park that they live in, a job she inherited from her dad when he took a different job. They recently purchased a very nice double wide mobile home. Since we moved to Nebraska the times I will get to see her and her family will be few and far between. She is a lovely young woman.

Jennifer has been my world traveler. She went to the Phillipines the summer of 1999 on a mission trip with Teen Mania Ministries.

She wanted to go again for the summer of 2000 but, was unable to raise money for the trip. May of 2003 she took a short course through ACU in Prague, Czech Republic. While there the group took the night train to Krakow, Poland for the weekend. Then during her spring break in 2004 she went to Helsinki, Finland where her best friend was doing a study abroad. She will be in Switzerland for about 12-13 months beginning July 2005. While her official purpose is to be a nanny for a family there, she will also be working in the local Church of Christ in Geneva as well as taking French classes and working on her Master's on-line. Her time will be completely full I am sure. She graduated Summa Cum Laude from ACU in May (2005) with Bachelor in Biblical Text. She is planning on getting a Masters at ACU and will probably go on for a Doctorate but where is anyone's guess at the moment. She has a talent for languages and at one time was considering an advanced degree in linguistics. Who knows now, it seems she will be getting her Masters in Family and Marriage Counseling, but that could change as she narrows her field of interest for working in missions. In May of 2007 Jen married Jeremiah Morrison and a year later she gave us a beautiful grand daughter.
She's a beautiful person, but mostly she reflects the beauty of the Lord in her life.left>

This strapping young man is our oldest son, Kevin.
He is now a Sophomore the New Mexico Institute of Mining & Technology in Socorro. He is a geology major. He and his girlfriend of over 4 years are both attending the same university.

Our youngest, Michael is a Freshman at Abilene Christian University.

The Spring semester of his Senior year in High School he took computer classes at the Dona Ana Branch for the A+ Certification through the cooperative agreement the school has with the Community College. He turned that training into a university job at ACU to help defray the cost of his education. He is a Political Science major with aspirations for attending law school possibly at Pepperdine. He is active in the campus organization for International Justice Missions, maybe one day God will call him to be a defender of the faith.

Maybe I'll get a picture of our dog Blue posted one of these days. She's a six year old blue heeler. We got her January 1999 when she about 3 months old. The girl who lived next door at the time got Blue from her boyfriend and soon discovered she was allergic to the dog. So, she gave her to us. She fits into our family very well. When we moved to Nebraska she took to being a "road dog" quickly. Now that we have a house the only thing that she has to do is eat, lay around or bark at the squirrels.

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