Welcome! Glad you made it here!

First off, I'd like to welcome everyone that has landed at this site. Thanks for taking the time to come visit. If you got here by mistake, sorry, but feel free to take a look around.

Why did I create this site?

Truthfully, this is actually a re-creation of my original site from 1998. When Yahoo! bought Geocities, my password got lost in the shuffle and I had no access to make changes to the site. Go figure!

It's kind of ironic, but I was just able to gain access to make changes to the site and oh what timing it is....There are lots of changes going on in my life so I figured I would use this site as a starting over point for me.

This site will of course give you information about me (probably more than you care to know), my family and friends, my pets, and issues that I find important. Yes....I said what I find important. If you're not interested, tough! Who's page is it anyway?

Well, enough explanation. Again, I welcome you. I hope you enjoy your visit with me. Take care and remember to be nice to each other!

A Tribute to Shane - Life's Lessons
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since July 5, 2001