CHECK THIS OUT !!! Above you may link on to my second site- will be mainly consisting of all my new backgrounds, buttons, banners, av's, Mega's and MORE as I learn...(although the midi's will most likely remain here) Please check it out...:)
I'll be posting new quizzes regularly - tell me what you think... Have any ideas for a quiz ? Let me know... :)
Lord, give me patience when wee hands
Tug at me with their small
Give me gentle and smiling eyes;
Keep my lips from hasty
Let not weariness, confusion, or noise
Obscure my vision of
life's fleeting joys.
So, when in years to come, my house is still-
bitter memories its rooms may fill.
In loving memory...
I would like to take some space and put in a link here for all the sadness that has plagued Colorado at this time... This is a time of praying and healing for everyone! I pray for these families that lost precious lives and for the children and families that survived and need to heal ! I pray for the families of those two very mixed-up young men - they lost their children as well! Help us all to remember that we are all different yet we are still the same! We are all children under God ! I pray for our family and all of your families out there - remind us to love and forgive and bring God back into our lives and society ...
Please Visit A Prayer for Columbine
Hello and thanx for visiting our little home on the net!! We are updating
continuously so please bookmark NOW !!
I am 25 and married to a
wonderful husband and father of my two children 6 and 8 ! I am a bank teller
and beauty consultant on the side! I love my family more than anything on earth! We have stumbled along for four 1/2 years now on the rockiest
of paths! But we are still moving strong and that is all credited to God !! Trust me on that one!!
I am just beginning to learn how to do this
'puter stuff! So please bear with and feel free to offer any suggestions you
might have or comments!!
This site is dedicated to family, marriage, love,
friendship, struggles, endurance, commitment and most importantly God !!:)
For family and friends...To link your page with
mine please right click on logo above(save as) and link with