Heaven's Door

by Amari
for hmmmmm

I already feel like a millionaire. Standing at the gate today, seeing into
the garden, knowing you were there, somewhere or nowhere, that the flowers
had breathed of you this day. My hand held the various trappings of our
cloying society, "You may have already won," and "Are you ready to retire?"
Not that a million dollars is worth having, but the feeling these
advertisements hawk is here, now. Not for the thousands of petals you become
ecstatic among, not for the thousands of crazy insects you claim as friend,
nothing countable, nothing sellable or ... losable. A million songs, a
hundred million breaths, a million million airs.

Your passion calls to my passion, brings rising within me a quandary of
fantastic, almost erogenous thoughts, feelings, sensations, knowings.
Fascination and interest combine with physicality and i find, mixing, my
heart beating palpably on the edge of rapture, buzzing insects, whirling
wings, cascading sunlight, the knob spinning, you seeing me see you. I love
you. 1