The Village
Buildings: doesil from northwestern outer ring (topmost)
Triphani's private shed
Michael's paper mill
Icor's private shed
Icor & Jaise private storage
Marik's private shed
Sega's stable (and yard)
inner circle, doesil from northernmost
Common house
Michael & Triphani's house (converted to DB's house after Triphani left, converted
to Telin & DB's house on reappearance of DB's parents)
Icor, Jaise, and DB's house (used as DB's house before Triphani left, used
for general storage and as a hutch before DB's parents returned)
Marik & Segas house (always theirs, most of DB's companions were
housed here)
central tree is cedar
* walls for horsepen are 4 1/2 feet high
* quad walls are 4 feet high
* walls between outbuildings (freestanding walls) are 5 feet high and
are purposefully covered in lichen and/or ivy-like growth
* gates in quad walls are 3 1/2 feet high
* gates in horsepen (not shown) are in northernmost and southernmost
walls for horses, a smaller gate (with lock, also not shown) for
people is 2 feet wide and on easternmost wall
"The village" is not the actual name of the village; for a fact it has never really
had a true name. DB calls it "the village" only because she no longer refers to it
as "home".
She does never wish to return there.
DB has never known the name of the forest this village is in. Even when she left
the village she did not learn the name, though it is likely that she could find the
village again if she were to return to Warthadell.