spinning Square and Compass


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spinning Square and Compass
Subject: En: UFG - Re: En: [Free-Masonry] Prince Hall (Instant Messege from one seeking Light)

From: José Augusto Cione

 -----Mensagem Original----- De: Sílvio Hickel do Prado  Para:  Enviada em: Sexta-feira, 30 de Julho de 1999 08:28 Assunto: UFG - Re: En: [Free-Masonry] Prince Hall (Instant Messege from one seeking Light)

 Dear Bro Johnny Simpson

Really i agree with yours observations. I think that all the Masons in the world are like a one corp.


Sílvio Hickel do Prado, MM Ordem e Trabalho Lodge #0787 - Modern Rite Florianópolis- SC BRASIL

spinning Square and Compass
Subject: Re: [Free-Masonry] Prince Hall (Instant Messege from one seeking Light)

From: Joe

Amen, Brother, PREACH!

spinning Square and Compass
Subject: [Free-Masonry] IRC-CHANNEL


Hello !

The IRC-Undernet Channel for FreeMasons already exists. The name is #FreeMasons.

To join on this channel you need one program named mIRC. You can download this program from: http://www.mirc.co.uk or another addresses. (If you need help to download from this page, only ask and I will send you the program on your e-mail).

Than install the program, set your nick name and connect on one of the Undernet server from the list (File - Options - Connect) and join on FreeMasons channel. It's easy to use, only read Help file if you have problems.

If you want to help us to create the FreeMasons's community on IRC, please join NOW #FreeMasons (Undernet Server) and spend as much time as you want, as many time as you can.

Please invite more freemasons to join #FreeMasons (Undernet IRC Channel). Your effort will be fully appreciated by us. You are welcome everyday and every time!

My nickname on the channel is Ardeal (and Ardeal-AW when I'm away). FAM-Bot is my robot.

Thank You! Radu B.

spinning Square and Compass
Subject: [Free-Masonry] Hey .. my intro


How are y'all doing?

My name is Johnny Simpson. I live in Austin, TX. I just received my EA degree about a month ago. Just wanted to give a shout out to everyone.

Later, Johnny Simpson - EAº Hill City Lodge #456 A.F.&A.M. Austin, TX, USA

spinning Square and Compass
Subject: Re: [Free-Masonry] Hey .. my intro


Hello Johnny, My name is Manny Blanco, Junior Warden of Moreno Valley Lodge # 804, Moreno Valley, CA.. Congratulations on becoming a membere of the Fraternity.. We welcome you with open arms and a Brotherly handshake and a hug.. Hope you get involved in the Lodge and learn as much as you can from the good Brethren around you and online.. Great bunch of men.. E-mail if you would like a few Masonic sites.... God Bless

 Sincerely & Fraternally Bro. Manny Blanco

spinning Square and Compass
Subject: Re: [Free-Masonry] Hey .. my intro

From: "Rick Conn"

congratulations on your EA into the greatest fraternity in the world...... enjoy, study, and learn..... always in search of more light....... hope your journey is a good one......"In order to learn Masonry, one must live Masonry" .......... WELCOME BROTHER........... I am sending a virtual penny to you........ Rick Conn. Past Master, Grayson Lodge #549, F & A M...... Grayson Georgia


spinning Square and Compass
Subject: [Free-Masonry] General George C. Marshall Lodge 1st meeting

From: "Paul M. Bessel"


We're just a day away from the 1st meeting of the General George C. Marshall Lodge, Under Dispensation, which will take place Friday, Aug. 20, at 6:30pm, at Friendship Hall at 701 - 24th St, Washington, D.C. The Grand Master of Masons of the District of Columbia, M.W. Dan L Frederick will officiate, give the Dispensation to our Lodge, and install our officers.

I think everything is ready (although being a nervous person I'm double and triple checking everything). We should be reading some petitions, not just for affiliation but for the degrees, which shows that we're bringing more men into Masonry. We'll be doing the degrees ourselves at the next few meetings, and we'll also have interesting and educational programs about the role of Free-Masonry in American and World history. After all, General Marshall was the leader of the U.S. war effort in World War II, and afterwards one of our greatest Secretaries of State, leader of the Marshall Plan that saved western Europe for democracy and freedom. He was made a Mason at sight on Dec. 16, 1941, by the Grand Master of D.C.

I think we'll have a pretty good crowd at the meeting, including some out of town visitors. Some "electronic Masons" have already sent messages of support, and I would be most grateful if others who are reading this would like to send messages to the officers and members of the General George C. Marshall Lodge. I will either read or pass them around at the meeting, so everyone can see how computer communication is making all of Masonry a closer family.




spinning Square and Compass
Subject: [Free-Masonry] Marshall Lodge

From: "Paul M. Bessel"

I forgot to mention in my previous message that the website of the General George C. Marshall Lodge, U.D., can be found at ---




spinning Square and Compass
Subject: Re: [Free-Masonry] General George C. Marshall Lodge 1st meeting


Congratulations, Brothers! Perhaps someday I will have the pleasure of visiting George C. Marshall Lodge, which I believe will be a fine addition to the Craft.

John C. Parmer, 32' Jr. Deacon, Rose Hill #484 Columbus, GA

spinning Square and Compass
Subject: [Free-Masonry] Hey .. my intro



spinning Square and Compass
Subject: Re: [Free-Masonry] General George C. Marshall Lodge 1st meeting



spinning Square and Compass
Subject: [Free-Masonry] General George C. Marshall Lodge 1st meeting

From: "Duncan J. Moore"

Best of luck to the George C. Marshall Lodge. May you have plenty of candidates and a prosperous future !

Duncan J. Moore PM 5454 (EC) and founding secretary of Loge St.Jacques de Dieppe which will be consecrated under the GLNF at Rouen, France in October 1999

spinning Square and Compass
Subject: [Free-Masonry] Hey .. my intro

From: "Duncan J. Moore"

Many happy years Johnny ! I have had 28 years so far, and enjoyed it all.

Sincerely and fraternally,

Duncan J. Moore PM 5454 (English Constitution)

spinning Square and Compass
Subject: [Free-Masonry] Can anyone help?

From: "Paul M. Bessel"


Due to technical problems, all the changes to existing pages on my websites --- everything starting with http://Free-Masonry.org/mlc/ and http://Free-Masonry.org/bessel --- that were made since early July, and all new webpages created since then, were lost, and (this part hurts) while I usually routinely make backups, I had not backed up these files since May. Argh.

Can anyone help me? If anyone reading this message downloaded or printed any of the pages from my websites recently (the more recent the better), could you please email or mail me (I'll provide my home address to any Masons who request it in private email) a copy? This would include such pages as the Masonic Book Review page --- http://Free-Masonry.org/mlc/bkrevs.htm --- where I made many changes, now lost, in the last month, and some new webpages I remember creating about the doctrine of exclusive jurisdiction and how it affected Masonry in recent years in, for example, California and New Jersey, as well as the former webpage for the General George C. Marshall Lodge that used to be posted at http://Free-Masonry.org/bessel/marshall.htm, and probably many other webpages.

Thank you in advance for any help anyone can provide by sending me copies of any webpages beginning with http://Free-Masonry.org/mlc/ and http://Free-Masonry.org/bessel/ that you may have downloaded or printed in the last few weeks.

I'll back up every week, if not every day, from now on.



spinning Square and Compass
Subject: [Free-Masonry] Off Topic Post - GL of Kansas


Does anyone have a valid URL for the Grand Lodge of Kansas?

R. Holder, WM Leila Scott Lodge #289 Memphis, TN

spinning Square and Compass
Subject: Re: [Free-Masonry] Off Topic Post - GL of Kansas

From: "Radu Balanean"

I have one page : http://thelonious.mit.edu/Masonry/GLs/kansas.html 

spinning Square and Compass
Subject: Kansas ( was Re: [Free-Masonry] Digest Number 117)

From: "Tejinder Singh Rawal"

Most of the Grand Lodge links are listed at Lodge Corinth page: http://LodgeCorinth.web-page.net ( follow the link to 'links to other sites' ) Regards,



Tejinder Singh Rawal M.Com. , M.A. ( Eco.) , M.A. ( Public Administration) , LL.B., FCA Chartered Accountant, Nagpur, India Phone: +(91 712) 525423/527376/548941/545943 Fax: =(91 712)539122 

One nice thing about egotists: they don't talk about other people.

spinning Square and Compass
Subject: Re: [Free-Masonry] Off Topic Post - GL of Kansas

From: "anthony parham"




spinning Square and Compass
Subject: Re: [Free-Masonry] Off Topic Post - GL of Kansas


 Dear Wor. Ron, Sorry I do not have a web site for them...

S & F BRo. MAnny


spinning Square and Compass
Subject: [Free-Masonry] Masonic Life in Louisiana


By the contitution of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana a man is of lawful age at twenty-one. I first petitioned the lodge which I am now a member at age twenty..and was told to wait.. luclky i was only a few months shy.

As to the point of written dergee work...here we have none, there has been the sublte discussion of publishing a code book from which one could study or stay fresh... but for now it's all in the brain...I'm not active in the Scotish Rite, though I have heard that their lectures are written.

Paul Roberts St. James Lodge F&AM #47 Baton Rouge, LA

spinning Square and Compass
Subject: Re: [Free-Masonry] Masonic Life in Louisiana


I too was 20 when I first petitioned here in Vermont. I had to wait a few months and petition again. That was 9 years ago. We have since then brought the lawful age to 18 in Vrmont. By way of ritual, we have a coded book whereby to learn our ritual, and a written out copy at Grand Lodge

Errol Hinton

Island Pond #44 F&AM


spinning Square and Compass
Subject: [Free-Masonry] Code Books


As of now my personal opinion is that a code-book is not out if line.... However before I ever vote for such a radical measure, I would like to see such a text from another state.

Our lodge has existed for well over 150 years with out such a text; I would hate for the lazy actions of my generation to corrupt the sprit of our great fraternity.

Paul Roberts St. James Lodge F&AM #47 Baton Rouge LA

spinning Square and Compass
Subject: Re: [Free-Masonry] Code Books


i am in total accord with this statement! I just joined the lodge here in Texas (i'm still working on my EA) .. and it's a lot to memorize ... but it was the same work that many other a mason had to learn here in Texas. If Sam Houston, George Washington, Ben Franklin, etal. (as well as many "uneducated" masons from their time) could do it .. i can too!

I have seen some "masonic rituals" in the local Barnes & Noble ... how did it get there? i glanced thru it (it was called Duncan's ritual of Freemansory, ever heard of it?)... it's not exactly the same ritual. I mean, it's sorta right, but at the same time it's not exact. like many parts of the "entered apprentice degree" questions are off. but at the same time, some questions are correct ... how could someone have given out this information -- doesn't it go against masonry to write down the stuff?

spinning Square and Compass
Subject: Re: [Free-Masonry] Code Books

From: vallini

Hallo dear Brothers/sisters/subscribers

I have not understood clearly whether this thread is referring to the publication of masonic rituals eventually sold to the public. If it is not, may be than this email is outplaced -at least as far as this thread is affected- but in any case it could be a contribution to another debate, if any. These books, luckily enough, exist , and are publicy sold. Here in Italy are available to the public books that describe in full detail not just the rituals but even the words masons use to recognize them, and any ritual of all of the 33 scottish rite degrees are described in full detail, clothes, words, rituals, anything. Instance: here in Italy the word of the 18° degree is INRI, and I am not a 18°, nonetheless books sold to the public reveal them openly. I must say (just a personal opinion anyway) that i find this opportune and an enrichment of mankind. Our rituals are of such a beauty and our mytologies are so rich and fulfilling that would have been a real shame if we would have been hiding them to the contributions of intellectuals that are not directly involved with masonry. I suppose that the problem is the opposite (at least accordingly to my present perspective): if such publicy sold books would have been more known to the public, probably Free-Masonry would have had to tolerate less misunderstandings. many persons that are not involved with it think it is an institution whose aim is logrolling: the knowledge of our rituals would state out more clearly that the issue does not finish there at all. My wish would be a more wide distribution of these books that are still available to any public.

Nonetheless, there they are, our secrets have nothing secret (after all secret derives from the latin word "secretum" which is referred to the production released in the blood by animal glands, so it is referred to a production of something that grew to ripness within the flesh and the very bones, over years, and that at the end is REVEALED by being RELEASED: what is secret is not its content but how much it costed in commitment, sufferings, endeavourings: any man has his secrets -secretum-, anyone of us strived and fought to get some knowledge and light. The price we paied is a secret not because we do not WANT to communicate it, but because we are UNABLE to communicate this. Nonetheless what we learned thorough this way is the most precious thing, and we learned it not to keep it secret - "Mt:5:15: Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. (KJV)"- but to make it useful for the world). We keep pretending our rituals are secret, they are not, and it is useless to cause troubles to a brother because he/she revealed something. Nothing cannot be revealed anymore about our rituals that has not been revealed yet, and my idea is that there is no other way to shed light but by letting it shine, the harder the better. I hope it makes some sense, if it doesn't I apologize!! Best regards and have a nice day fraternal greetings


spinning Square and Compass
Subject: [Free-Masonry] New Survey



There is a new survey for the Free-Masonry community.

Free-MasonrY: Under what circumstancies have I been disappointed by Free-Masonry?


Possible answers are:

o I've never been disappointed so far (3 years) o I've never been disappointed so far (10 years) o I've never been disappointed so far (more than 10 years) o The cultural level of the Brothers is too high for me o The cultural level of the Brothers is too low for me o I strived without success to get a nomination as a Lodge Official o I've been kept waiting too long for raising a degree (2 years) o I've been kept waiting too long for raising a degree (4 years) o I've been kept waiting too long for raising a degree (more than 4 years) o I cannot appreciate the rituals as they are too complex o I cannot appreciate the rituals as they are not followed closely enough in my opinion o I cannot appreciate the rituals as they are too simple o I cannot appreciate the rituals as they are misinterpreted o I did not find enough moral support o I did not find enough material support in 1 circumstancy o I did not find enough material support in 2 circumstancies o I did not find enough material support in more than 3 circumstancies o I thought it should involve some logrolling and it did not o I thought it should NOT involve some logrolling and it did o Free-Masonry is not operative enough o Free-Masonry is too operative o Free-Masonry is unable to produce positive actions in the world o I find my lodge a great lodge but I disagree with the Grand Lodge decisions o I find my lodge does not pay enough attention to the Grand Lodge decisions o Other not listed

 To vote, please visit the following web page:


Note: Please do not reply to this message. Survey votes are not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the ONElist website.


Free-Masonry Owner

spinning Square and Compass
Subject: [Free-Masonry] Masonic Survey

From: vallini

Hallo dear Brothers/Sisters/Subscribers

we have a Masonic Survey uploaded at: http://www.onelist.com/surveycenter/Free-Masonry Anyone who would like to take part to it and express his/her vote in the survey can view it at that address. The question raised is: "Under what circumstancies have I been disappointed by Free-Masonry?" and you have up to 25 options to select the reply you find more appropiate. The results will be visible on onelist by clicking the button that is included at bottom of the same address: http://www.onelist.com/surveycenter/Free-Masonry

spinning Square and Compass
Subject: Re: [Free-Masonry] Code Books

From: "anthony parham"

It's amazing what you can find out there. I have a question? How many brothers out there think you should be able to but masonic parafanalia, books, trinklets, etc. through commercial vendors or stores.

Brother Parham