My favorite links

(the start of something beautiful!!)

Rolling Stones Page (This page has changed several times since I originally placed this link here!)
Arkansas State University (Gerald Craig, in financial aid sucks!)

Arkansas State University History Page
    NOTE: In the Fall of 1996, I was one of the students (in the History "since" class) who voted to get this page
    up! (Gerald Craig, still sucks!)  My  teacher Dr. Wilkerson-Freeman had an idea to have the students access
    the Internet for History class and utilize it, for the assignment on Sinclair's "the Jungle" that we were doing at
    the time.  This is one of her favorite books (rather a 'lude to me!) but it was interesting to be part of ASU's
    future presence on the 'net!  (Gerald Craig STILL sucks!)

These are all I could think of, for now. What kind of links would you like to see here?  Ask, and I shall grant!


This area will always be a work in progress!!!