--Dr. Sydney Freeman, M*A*S*H
"Anywhere I hang my underware is home."
--Don Hinkle, Jr. (circa 1982)
"Anywhere I plug-in my stereo is home."
--Ed Spies, answering Don Hinkle, Jr.
(Ed is my best friend)
"Your tale, sir, could cure deafness."
--Shakespeare, the Tempest
"I wish the fat lady would sing already."
--Don Hinkle, Jr. (circa 1983)
"My life is cluttered with empty white noise."
--Don Hinkle, Jr. (circa 1987)
"Each life touches many other lives."
--Clarence, It's a Wonderful Life
"Forgive us, Father, for we wanted you to know not what we do."
--Hawkeye, M*A*S*H
"If you will look this good when 900 you will be."
--Yoda, Return of the Jedi
"I have a cousin that looks like Yoda!"
--Ed Spies (circa 1983)
"Ed, I have a girlfriend that looks like Yoda, big shit!"
--Don Hinkle, Jr. (circa 1983)
"My dad asked me what I wanted for my birthday. All I could think of was that old joke, so I told him. I want a truck just like you...old and full of gas!"
--Vanessa R. Davis-Hinkle
"I didn't think it was physically possible, but this both sucks and blows."
-- Bart Simpson (contributed by Scott Ahrent)
"Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside a dog it is very dark."
- - Groucho Marx (contributed by Scott Ahrent)
"A man is only as old as the woman he feels."
--Groucho Marx
"Some mornings just suck."
--Rich Martin
"Some people were just born to piss me off."
--Don Hinkle, Jr. to Rich Martin, circa 1998