Joyce s

Java Junkie


My name is Joyce Fisher and I am a caffeine-aholic. This page is dedicated to the Caffeine Achiever. Without caffeine the task of raising multi-differently-abled children would be an impossibility for me and many of the parents of special needs children! I have spent many years in Maxwell House. And after a Morning with Mrs. Olsen, and an afternoon with Jaun Valdez, I can say: "Yes I am a person!".. and I find the need to go on! Here is my story......

Welcome from atop the Blue Ridge mountains of West"by God"Virginia. Set a spell and we'll gnaw some straw.

I am a mother of three wonderful boys. I have a loving husband whom without I don't know what I would do. We have lead a very interesting life. Our two youngest sons Matthew age 10, and Andrew age 11 were both born hearing impaired, and have been diagnosed autistic. Andrew is Severely hearing impaired and considered to be in the aspergers realm of the autistic spectrum. Matthew has been diagnosed as having temporal lobe seizures, moderate hearing impairment, and moderalely autistic. Justin my oldest son who is 13 seems to keep together well, considering his home life is obscure in comparison to his friends. All my boy's amazingly are doing well acedemicly. We have a very eventful lifestyle. Only by the grace of God are we able to pull together as a family.

  • A Page for the Lord
  • My Family Page

  • About Autism
  • About Hearing Impairment
  • A Support Group for parents and educators of children with Autistim and deafness

  • Epilepsy and Autism

  • Sounds of Silence
  • Visit my community page

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Phenomenal Women Of The Web

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Ya'll come back now ya hear

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