We’re glad to have you visit our home page. We live in Pennsylvania with our 2 children, 3 maltese dogs and an assortment of other animals! Our daughter Lacey is 7 and our son Adam is 5. They are the joy of our lives. Some of our interests are music, computers, animals, fishing, church, working on the house, and making new friends, and I can’t leave out...chatting!!!

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If you have already gone in and read about us and saw our pictures then you will understand what this is all about. Roger and I were told we weren’t able to have any children, we went through tests like everyone does who is trying to have children and can’t. After we were told we couldn’t we became foster parents. We did this for about 5 years and we love it, but didn’t realize how hard it would be when you had to give these children back to their parents after you have had them in your home for so long, love them and cared for them.

I had a very hard time giving them up, got very depressed and shortly after I had to give up 2 very special children I found out that I was pregnant! Finally after 8 years of marriage we were finally going to have our own family that no one could take away from us. We had our daughter Lacey in September of 1990. She was a gift from God, she was what we had been waiting for all those years. Our own beautiful daughter, perfect in every way. We decided that we would like to have another child, and this time there was no waiting! We had our son Adam 2 years later in September of 1992. When he was born and I saw that he had some problems, the depression set back in. It was mostly for him, realizing what he would be going through all his life, the surgeries, the looks and teasing he would get from other children.

What seemed to help me the most and get things into perspective was a phone call I got from a person that I didn’t even know. She said to me, aren’t you glad God gave him to you instead of to someone who would not care for him and love him as you do? That did it for me, I had this child for a reason. Don’t get me wrong, there are times I still got very depressed, usually right before a surgery, thinking about all he was going to have to go through. He as had 8 surgeries so far, and he will have them up until he is a teenager.

Since he was born, I have been able to help other people out. There was a baby born at the hospital shortly after Adam was born with a cleft lip. The mother was having a hard time dealing with the fact that her daughter had this problem. The nurses up there asked me if I would come talk to her. I did and I think I helped her out some. Now my son is in preschool, and that little baby that had the cleft lip is now in Adam’s class and has been since they have been 2 years old. They have become special friends. They both went to Infant Stim together (a program that helps children and infants that have different sorts of developmental problems), and now they are in the same preschool class!!!

There a lot of medical terms that describe what Adam was born with, but I like to describe him as having facial differences. He deals with all this very well, and if anyone comes to see this page and wants help or information on anything, please feel free to e-mail me. I would love to be of help to anyone that needs it.

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