This was my unfinished project for the Valentine's day. Hopefully this will be more complete by the next Valentine's day(and even more hopefully, I'll have someone special to share this with).
"To love one who loves you, to admire one who admires you, in a word, to be the idol of one's idol, is exceeding the limit of human joy; it is stealing fire from heaven."
- Delphine de Girardin
"It is not love, but the lack of love, that is blind."
- Glenway Wescott
The following images created by me(El Modesto)may be copied and distributed freely for non-commercial purposes.
Recent creations[July, 1998]:
The following graphics were made in February, 1998. Each image is available in a few formats. So here's some info about image formats in general.
GIF = the name says it.
BMP = Windows 3.1 Bitmap
WMF = Windows(3.1) Meta-File
I had to give "wmf" files "jpg" names because this system wouldn't take a "wmf" file name. When you download it, try to save as "filename.wmf". This "wmf" file
can be easily imported into many word-processing programs, and easily scaled while preserving the quality of printed appearence. Warning: This WMF picture is a standard full-page sized in the landscape format. So most probably you should re-scale it to a smaller size after importing in to a word-processing document.
flowers.txt, 27kb
hearts.txt, 43kb
loveyou.txt, 13kb