Ocean in a bottle

1st-5th Grade

Ocean in a Bottle


  • 1 empty 20 oz. pop bottle
  • 1/3 bottle of Equate Baby Oil
  • Water
  • Food Coloring


  1. Soak the bottle in warm water if necessary and remove the label.
  2. Fill the bottle about half way full with water.
  3. Add enough baby oil to make the bottle 3/4 full. (You should be able to get three "Oceans in a Bottle" out of 1 bottle of baby oil.)
  4. Add a few drops of blue or green food coloring to tint the water.
  5. Put the lid back on the bottle tightly .


  • Insert a small foam (or any other floating material) fish into the bottle and watch it float on the waves.

Hold the bottle on its side and gently rock it back and forth to see the waves crash against the ends. 1