Welcome to the Rabbit Education Society gateway to learning about Rabbit Care. Be sure to start with downloading the pdf file with several rabbit care pamphlets to give you a basic understanding of rabbit care. Our Uterine Cancer article explains what is knonw and dispels many of the myths surrounding uterine cancer in pet rabbits. It also explains where the mythical 80% comes from and why it is not accurate. Next look at Pine Shavings to find out why softwood shavings are safe to use. The softwood shaving myth has unfortunately become widespread but the article will explain what the scientific studies actually show and why induction of HME is not a sign of problems. It will also discuss the fallacy of the respiratory and cancer claims.
Another area pet owners have trouble understanding is proper rabbit diet but our article will sort out the facts and myths and make it easy to understand what proper diet is and what you need to do to feed your rabbit a healthy diet. A proper diet is usually the most important factor in keeping your pet healthy. But if you do find your rabbit is sick, or you think he's sick read Rabbit Health and Disease to find out how to spot problems, figure out what is wrong, and some common treatments. Whether you can treat something at home or choose to go to a veterinarian it is important for rabbit owners to understand rabbit health.
And if you are looking for a pet rabbit the best source is a rabbit breeder so we've included a section with Resources to Find Breeders so you can easily find a breeder with the bunny you're looking for.