A Trip Into The Past

Early October a baby girl was to be born unto you,
The baby girl arrived in early November,
When you held me in your arms,
Then, off to school I went.

First day of school what a fright,
To see my mommy and daddy out of sight,
The hug that you gave me I thought it was the last,
I thought you had left me for good.
The time went by slow, I wasted to leave,
Mom, they made me stay until you arrived.
My elementary years what a fright.

In middle school I thought it would never end,
I had a lot of friends, and got to do things with them,
But my experience wasn't the best,
Maybe it was my teeth or my glasses, who knows?
The end of my eighth grade year, you said we were going to
move, I cried for days, but you knew what was best.

My High School came and I learned so much,
When you told me things I thought you were wrong, but you
weren't you knew what you were talking about.
We argued many of times about who was right and wrong,
I'm sorry for the things I said that made you cry, or hurt
your feelings, Will you forgive me?

Now my school years are coming to an end, I'm an adult now,
and there are many things I must do on my own, I can't stand
by you all of my life but, I will make the best of it.
The things that you have told me will help me through my
life as an adult, and as I walk down the aisle at graduation
this year I will never forget how much you have done for me
to get me where I am today,
The love I have for you is greater than love itself.

Love always and forever, Melissa