"A year ago another missionary family I had met in Cameroon lost two of their three children in one day to malaria within days after coming home on furlough." John Piper, The Pleasures of God, 1991 p62 I just read this, and wondered if there was any chance this might be Erin Chapman's family, the same as the Kenya Airways crash. Then I was in Ruth in my quiet time, and was quite amazed, when one reads it with the perspective of losing everyone in your immediate family to death, it is quite a story of hope. Naomi tried hard to engender pity as one who God has deprived. But it would appear that she failed miserable! And she certainly did lose her husband and two sons. But she appears to have been remembered and know by those around her as one richly blessed with family! She got a son (actually a grandson) in the lineage of Christ, She got a daughter-in-law "who is more to you than seven sons", and She got a son-in-law who is an archtype of Christ, our kinsman-redeemer!