Joy in the Journey                       


            Pitterle Family

            BP 11004

Boutique Digue

            Antananarivo 101


Via France  

(261) 20 22 48155

(261) 33 11 55644

July 2003



Dear Friends and Family:


We convey a heartfelt THANKS to everyone who gave and especially to those who prayed to make these past three years in missions possible for us!!  We have now begun our fourth year and another term.  With your help, precious children in Madagascar (M’car) are receiving God’s word and the awesome news of Jesus.  The Lord has promised that His truth will set people free. 


Grace continues to bring much joy to our lives.  Stephen and Leigh recently completed fourth grade.  And John has started sending “e-mail,” actually short messages, to some pastors here via his cell phone. 


Last month there were 29 students who graduated from the Assemblies of God Bible school.  They will be assigned to work in various locations.  Shortly after the graduation, our supervisors left the country for a one-year furlough.  Now we are manning the ship alone until perhaps the end of August. 


In June, John started an evangelistic English lesson near the main university here.  We also helped two Australians visiting to “spy out the land” here regarding the possibility of helping to start (a) Christian school(s) in partnership with local churches.  They said they had a fruitful time here including a very positive meeting with the Director of Private Education. 


Book of Hope


We are thankful that the Book of Hope (BoH) has been more in demand, as the school year ended, than ever before here with more than 110,000 books sent across the island or distributed to children in April and May.  In April, a missionary took 1,200 books to Morondava on the west coast.  The day after he called for 1,500 more books, we just “happened” to find out that another missionary friend was going to that city and could take the books.  Isn’t Jesus great!  We also sent 4,200 books with a pastor as he returned to Vohipeno in the southeast. 


40,000 books for elementary school students were sent to the north of the country.  Then in early June, we received 250,000 new books (see above photo), including versions for both Jr. and Sr. high school students for the first time.  Pastor Mirana, our main BoH pastor, received the first books off the delivery truck to bring to the north.  Then he conducted training in the school districts of the northern province. 


In May, Pastor Nicolas and John did two training sessions for pastors and for leaders of the Lutheran schools in Antsirabe and beyond.  This was followed by sending almost 30,000 books to Antsirabe, with about 22,000 of these for the students in the Lutheran schools.  Jesus is touching lives here through the Book of Hope. 


In order to increase the effectiveness of the BoH program here, we have made numerous copies of the Malagasy training video and they are being sent across the island.  For example, the Lutheran school directors received a copy for the Antananarivo region at their June training. 


In June, the first Jr. and Sr. high school students received Malagasy Books of Hope.  We are also almost completed with revisions for all three Malagasy versions of the BoH (to correct mostly typographical errors that do not affect the meaning).  And time permitting, we hope to start condensing the Sr. high / university version to a smaller book, as has successfully been done in other countries. 


Life in the Spirit Study Bible


We have been seeking translators and editors to work on what should be the first Malagasy study Bible and we have a good team that may need a few more workers.  In June, the project coordinators from America visited again and answered John’s many questions as well as doing two days of training for our team.  Lord willing, we hope that the finished Bibles will be shipped to M’car in 2007.  This is a very big project, with more than 1,100,000 words and more than 2,100 pages to translate, and your prayers would be greatly appreciated as John coordinates 8 – 10 workers or more.  We believe this tool will be like a mini-library for pastors and Christians since there is not much Malagasy Christian literature available.


In the meantime, there is much that needs to be done.  First an office needs to be prepared, furnished, and equipped with computer equipment and a printer.  The first of several team meeting is scheduled for the 4’th of July and we hope to come to agreement on abbreviations, important terminology, and translations of titles for articles, charts, and maps.  After this foundational work, we hope to finish translating and editing all the notes and study materials for the book of Genesis before September 30.


Support for Next One-Year Term


Although we have already started our next term, we still need both regular and one-time contributions in order for us to continue with the ministry here.  Our account balance has steadily declined and become rather low during the last three years, and it would be very helpful if it could be replenished somewhat.  Nonetheless, Jesus has been faithful and we have not lacked for anything we need. 


Please click on the pledge form if you believe the Lord would have you to partner with us.  Everything you need to know is on this form, including the mailing address.  The last three lines, starting with “Church to credit,” are optional.  Donor a/c # can be left blank for first-time contributions.  On the memo portion of the check, you can put, “Pitterle MA 292883.”  And if you know any people or churches that might be interested in helping to get God’s word to the people of M’car, please feel free to pass this on. 


Thanks again to everyone who has helped us in this mission.  We need you.  Please keep in touch and let us know if you have any prayer requests. 


            Book of Hope                                                 In His infinite awesomeness

                   and awesome infiniteness,


               John, Leigh, Stephen and Grace