Plants & Animals
Plants & Animals
Here is a list of what requirement numbers and the activities we did for this badge.

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Our Activity
2 During a field trip to Segrest Farms (a tropical fish import/export company that supplies pet stores with their fish), our host (Ms. Kelly's Dad) gave each of the girls a Beta (Siamese Fighting fish). The girls took the fish how and kept a log of their habits, when they seemed to be asleep, when they ate, etc. We also put a mirror in one of the bowls to show why the fish got their name (we one Beta sees another, the puff up and extened their gills in a gesture to scare off the other Beta). 2/24/97
4 The troop picked on plant and one animal "pest". First they discussed why they considered them a pest, but then Ms. Kelly and Ms. Joy asked some questions and it was discovered that while these pests are not very appealing to us, they do have a purpose in nature. 3/6/98
5 Using an Earth Box, the girls plants a variety of seeds and were responsible for taking care of their seedlings. They planted carrots, radishes, wild flowers and sunflowers. Unfortunately, the only ones that grew were the sunflowers but they got about 5 feet tall before the Florida heat and got to them. 3/6/98
6 We took the "World Nature Safari" quiz in the book, everyone did quite well. 3/1/98
7 The troop did a "Virtual" plant sleuth walk. We discussed the ways plants are used in everday things that we usually don't think about and how what processes are used to get them there. 3/6/98
9 During our trip to Segrest Farms, we interviewed our host about his job, part of which deals with, in addition to fish, aquatic plant life. 12/1/97

Review of Activites:  The girls enjoyed all of the activities for this badge, especially the field trip to Segrest Farm.
Rating (1 - 5 stars, 5 being highest): * * * * *

This site is maintained by "WebMama" Kelly J. Newton, Leader from behind of Troop 292.

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