Safe Kids

Hey Kids!!! Do you know how to be safe around a School Bus?

The First thing you need to know is that there are Danger Zones around a School Bus (or around any vehicle for that matter).

Although there are a lot more mirrors on a bus than on other vehicles, that does not mean that the Driver can see every spot clearly.

If you draw a line around the bus 10 feet away from the bus on every side, then the area inside that line would be the Danger Zone.

That Area should ALWAYS be avoided. (of course you do have to walk through that area to get on and off the bus)

There is also a Very Dangerous Zone.

That Area would be right in front of the bus, and right behind the bus.

That is why some buses are equipped with arms that come out in front of the bus when the door is opened. So that you will have to walk around the arm which should put you out far enough in front of the bus for the Driver to see you clearly.

If you have to cross the street when you get on or off the bus you should ALWAYS walk in front of the bus and NEVER go behind it.

Make sure to look at the Driver before you cross the street and have some type of signal worked out with Him/Her so they can let you know when it is Safe to cross.

When you are waiting on the bus, be sure to get to your stop early so that you do not have to run towards the bus and take a chance on slipping and falling.(especially in icy weather)

I have the students that ride my bus arrive 5 minutes before the bus is scheduled to be there.

If you ever drop anything around the bus, don't just go and get it.

Let the Driver know what you are doing so they can watch for you and not run you over.

Once you are safely on the bus be sure to go to your seat quickly and without playing around.

And, once you are seated STAY SEATED at all times when the bus is moving.

You may feel like your bus driver is mean or is too strict with all the rules that we have, but.....if your driver is anything like me...that driver has one thing on their mind, and that is....