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Lorraine - 08/17/00 22:26:53
My URL:http://unavailable yet
My Email:lor_exige@yahoo.com

one of the best homepages i ever saw, keep i t up, but organize it better as you easily get lost in it.

adriana tedesco - 07/25/00 18:16:55

this is like the worst homepage i've ever seen ............. (joking obviously.........) cheers, Adriana

Victor G.Axiak - 07/03/00 07:51:02
My Email:vaxi001@um.edu.mt

Tajba Gann dil-pagna, tajba sew. Ili ma nkellimkom ftit issa, l-ahhar li kellimt kien lil Karl fuq it-telephone. Nispera li kollox sew intom, btw. ili ma nkissrek wahda table-soccer :) L-ahhar li lghabna..erm..xi 8-2 minghalija fil-Canteen ta'San Alwigi ( mma kelli lil Keith jghini eh!). Insomma..la ghedtli please do think about what you write nahseb li ahjar nghid xi haga b'ton serju jew ahjar insaqsik. X'inhi ezatti chaos theory ?? Qrajta f'diversi partijiet f'dis-site u f'ta'Karl imma ghalkemm ghandi id ja vaga ta'x'inhi ma naf xejn izjed. Insomma jekk tkun trid wegibni fuq l-email jew bit-telefon jew xi darba meta narak (jekk narak..ghax ili ma narakom) Paceville. Sahha u prosit.

SirZyl - 05/12/00 17:24:22
My Email:sirzyl@theoffice.net

Yo there Krowmy, Think of a number from one to five ... then think of a date from the 20th of June to the 30th of August, then just think of a person .... with a nickname more popular than his personality ... and then you dont need to think about me anym re !!

conrad - 05/10/00 07:29:39
My URL:http://hp.ms/alpha
My Email:conradcosta@yahoo.com

hmmm...nice site with loads of varied information and a cool personal view of things. keep it up man!

monica - 04/27/00 15:38:16
My Email:moniq@superheltinne.com


Toni Zahra - 12/30/99 18:28:58
My Email:joti_mt@yahoo.com

Proset man ma kont'x naghmlek daqshekk biss-sens pero midi and pics are inaccessible

Kristian Zammit. - 12/27/99 22:36:41
My Email:krist@cyberdude.com

Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance is a great book. It contains so much wisdom, and so many concepts that are foreign to our western philosophies.

Victor G.Axiak - 10/12/99 08:53:30
My URL:http://www.eurovision99.cjb.net
My Email:eurovision99@yahoo.com

Nice page, some broken links but overall it gives you some reading satisfaction which is not so common nowadays on Internet. I like the 'personal' touch to the page which is what makes it interesting. U siehbi, thanks tal-credit ghar-ritratt,meta jkollok zonn taf fejn issibni. Vic

- 07/26/99 23:51:22

just a test

10/04/98 23:00:03
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Nice page. Very informative. Keep it up.

Juliet's dancer - 09/18/98 19:50:12
My Email:pjacmayo@mail.link.net.mt

Brilliant page! Best page I've ever been to!

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