Contrary to the almost total pervasion of the doctrine of Calvinism, we most assuredly have a part in the cultivation of our garden. 1 Corinthians 3: 9 (amp) says ~ For we are fellow workmen (joint promoters, laborers together) with and for God; you are God's garden and vineyard and field under cultivation, (you are) God's building.Adam & Eve in their eating from the tree of seeing to believe locked themselves away from the fruit of the tree of believing to see.
Jesus is the original Seed. The Seed of Faith. John 12: 24 (Amp) says ~ I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, Unless a grain of wheat falls into the ground and dies, it remains (just one grain; it never becomes more but lives) by itself alone. But if it dies, it produces many others and yields a rich harvest.
All through old Covenant times God would lift a man or a women up and impart Holy Spirit faith to them. This kind of Faith couldn't and didn't dwell with man in these times. He chose them by His divine order of selection, but I'm inclined to believe they had something in them that got Yahweh's attention. They were willing to be used by Him. They had an overwhelming urge to know Him. They did as I'm sure Abraham the father of faith did. They stared up into the heavens and marveled at His wondrous creation and couldn't in any way deny He was surely The Creator. Hebrews 11 speaks of these brethren of Faith.
Gal. 3: 23 - 25 ~ also speaks of a definite time that faith came on the scene as far as mankind is concerned. But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up unto the faith which should afterwards be revealed.
24) Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ, that we might be justified by faith.
25) But after that faith is come, we are no longer under a schoolmaster.In breaking away from the train of thought here, I'll offer my own personal view as the way I see it. I liken religion and todays churchyness to the Law. I will in no way say it's unnecessary to as the Law now is because Yashua has made it complete. Its designed purpose was to grow the infants and babes in Christ up. But sadly; many today are content to spend 20 or 30 years in a pew staring at the back of someones head, whining for milk bottles and crying for Yahweh to change their diaper. All the while pastor is doing his best trying to teach fathers in Christ right along with the infants. This ought not to be so brethren.
The time when Holy Spirit Faith came back to live with mankind is when the ground produced the Tree of Life again with His twelve varieties of fruit. This is when our Lord Yahshua was planted in a new tomb, good ground and ascended into the heavens at the right hand of Yahweh, and susequently sent the Holy Ghost to dwell with and within the saints. Since Jesus has come and died and was put into a new tomb and has ascended, Holy Spirit Faith can now abide and strive again with man.
When we ourselves go to the Tree of Life (Jesus) and eat, we partake of Fruit that has many seeds in each individual piece of fruit. These seeds that we partake of, we can now plant in the lives of others, and likewise their seeds in others. So the good Fruit of the Spirit of Yashua goes on multiplying exponentionally, as it was designed to do. This is what Yahweh actually meant when He said in Genesis 1: 28 (amp) ~ And God blessed them and said to them, Be fruitful, multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it (using all its vast resources in the service of God and man); and have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and over every living creature that moves upon the earth.
I guess we could ask, How do we go about keeping our garden producing only good fruit? It's a simple concept, but it's an easier said than done deal. Its that old, Yahweh designed it to be easy, but mankind always goes the hard way. The number one chore of a productive gardener after the garden is planted in Good soil is to prune and cut back that which chokes the branches and robs the nourishment of the plant. This can be likened to many things in our walk but all of these things that Paul tells us to put off, go back to the one main chore of the gardener. First and foremost we are to put off false doctrine and that which is in no way true about Yahweh, and put on that which is Truth or that which will be beneficial to the branches.
In the parable of the Sower, which by the way is my favorite, Jesus tells us how to by good gardeners. He says to sow the Truth of God's Word in a good heart. A heart that is not hardened by corrupt doctrine and the traditions of men. A heart that has a deep faithful love for God and man likewise. A heart that sees and hears the Truth in the deeper secrets of the Kingdom of God straight from the lips of Christ Himself. Paul confirms this is how we are to learn, One on one with Yahshua.
There is no labor in the last garden in this parable. It grows itself by the water of God's Word and produces seeds that go on to produce 30, 60 and even 100 fold. This is why it is so important in these last days especially, that we strive and labor to only seek God's Truth. Many false doctrines are out there, brethren. And many will say on that great Day, But Lord, We cast out demons, we healed the sick, we prophesied, all in Your Name. Sadly, He will be forced to say, Get away from Me, I never knew you. The word knew here is the same as Adam's intimacy with Eve. But it's a Spiritual intimacy. Or in other words, I was never intimate with you nor you with Me. You never had the seed of the Truth of God's Word sown in a good heart.
Very, very many today are content to let someone in a pulpit or the TV distribute to them fruit from their garden, never questioning and going themselves to the Tree of Life and picking their own fruit, and getting their own seeds of Life, to sow in good soil.
This is a True fact of Spiritual Life; we are all called to spread the seeds of the Gospel of Christ. We are all called as priests and gardeners to our family. I am not ordained by anyone except Yahweh and I baptized my youngest son in a two foot childrens wading pool. A fact today that I can't understand is, Why a man would let someone else give seeds to their spouse and children.
When the apostles wanted to have their Faith increased, Jesus gave them a likening unto a seed that is very minute, but if it is planted in good soil, will grow into a great seed bearing tree where the fowls of the air live in and will cause these seeds to fall to the ground and produce many others.
Faith is the original Seed. A more lasting Faith. A new Faith which is Holy Spirit Faith. The Faith of Jesus, which is spoken of in God's Word.
Jesus told the Apostles He wouldn't partake of the Fruit of the Vine until He drank the New Wine in His Father's Kingdom.
When Jesus returns, He will be looking for this new crop. This more excelent Fruit of the Vine. Branches bearing this Fruit.He will be looking for the fig trees that have fruit on them and not just leaves. But when the Son of Man returns; Will He find Faith on the earth? Luke 18: 8 .