A great time was had by all who attended the annual Haunted House. Many people suggested even having the event over two nights. It is a lot of work for those involved but it is a great time for fellowship amongst us. Those who helped are Darlene Ewing, Joanne Shadgett, Beth & Brad Minaker, Brian & Lesley Lee, Doug & JoAnne Leach, Ron & Lynda Reid, Greg & Amanda Leach, Kelly & Jenny Reid, Glenda & Tawnya Shields & Tawnya's friend, Terry & Cheryl Mouland, Keith Calderwood & Jodie Samways, & of course Rick Gagnon. These people helped in different ways, wether it was in planning, setting up, or taking down it was all a great help. Murray Carr aslo brought us a bunch of carved pumpkins from his school, which helped in lighting our way.
The proceeds went to the Music Camp fund and was aprox. $38.00 - $39.00
The people were brought down through the elevator, then walked out into the torture chamber. Next was the mad doctor's room, where they were operating on a poor live person. Next, the long dark hall where they entered into the chainsaw room (some were afraid to enter). On to the graveyard, where someone would jump out at you. Then you went through a tunnel and you would crawl over someone with a white face who would scream at you. Last but not least was the craft hall walk, where you never knew if someone was in there with you or not.
The refreshments were great, the had spiders, graveyard cake, spooky punch and much more.
A great time was had by all. The cleaning up took less than a hour this year. So far that is a record.