State of New York
County of Monroe
Before me personally appeared Edward Coon whose Post Office address is Egypt, Monroe Co., N.Y., reputable and Entitled to Credits, who being duly Sworn declares in regards this Claim for Invalid Pension No. 349171 as late Private of Co. B 160th New York Vols. That in said Services and in line of duty and while at Brazico City, La. and on or about May 1863 he was taken with Typhoid fever and being unfit for military duty he remained in Camp for a few days under treatment when he became so bad that he was sent to Barracks General Hospital in New Orleans where he remained Some Six or Eight Months and while in said hospital he was taken with Diarrhea which became Chronic and being unfit for duty in his Co. and Regiment he was transferred to Co. "G" 20th Vet reserve Corps where he remained until discharged the services in October 1865. That he is unable to procure the testimony of any Commissioned officer or private of his Co. or Regiment for the Circumstances under which his Division was Contracted or originated as the same Command while he was an inmate of Said Barracks hospital was in New Orleans and respectfully asks that the records of said Hospital may be Examined as he believes said records will show that he was suffering with Chronic Diarrhea and Continued to suffer with said while in said Vet. Res. Corps until he was discharged this service in 1865 but is unable to procure the testimony of an officer or Private or Regimental Surgeon of said Vet. Res. Corps for the reason that said organization was Composed of Men from different regiments and does not know the address of a Single person belonging thereto.
That he has Continuously Suffered with said Diarrhea and Effects of the Typhoid fever Contracted in the U.S. Service as aforesaid. That he is unable to procure Medical testimony showing his physical Conditions as Dr. Armington who treated him at discharge and Subsequent Months for some 3 or 4 years is dead and another Dr. Maine has occasionally treated him but his address is different & has no way of knowing. He has also been treated occasionally during the past few years by Dr. Philips out of Farmington now of Rochester but believes he may be unable to remember his Case as he has from discharge to the present used Patent Medicines purchased by himself and has only been treated at times by physicians when he had an unusually Severe Attack and files the affidavits of two neighbors.
Edward Coon
Subscribed and Sworn before me this 3rd day of December 1884 and I Certify that I have No interest in this claim.