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(Born: April 11, 1860 - Died: November. 25, 1922)

COON - Mrs. Eva Coon, of Farmington, N.Y., died Saturday, November 25, 1922, after a week's illness of pneumonia. She leaves to mourn her loss one brother, E. L. Gardner; two sisters, Mrs. E. C. Betz and Mrs. Charles Cotton, all of Farmington; her husband Edwin Coon, of Perinton, and seven children, Mrs. F. H. Rockdeschel, of Fairport, Mrs. W. R. Wilkinson and Mrs. J. M. Huber, of Farmington, Claude and Roy Coon, of Fairport, Frank Coon, of Utica, N.Y. , and Sherwood, of this place. She was born and lived all her life in the town in which she died. She was of a pleasing personality and had many friends.

Funeral services will be held from the Friend's Church, Farmington, Tuesday, November 28th at 2:30 o'clock. Interment at Farmington cemetery.

The Grave of Eva S. Coon

Coon and Gardner Family Tree

*From the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle, November 28, 1922.

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