Origins and Meaning of surname JUDYCKI
Origins and Meaning of surname JUDYCKI

JUDYCKI appears to be an adjectival form of the name Judyta = our Judith. So JUDYCKI might refer to an association with a person named Judith or a place name for her. It might also refer to _Juda_, "Jew" (actually that's all Judith originally meant, "Jewess").

As of 1990 there were 578 people living in Poland named Judycki, with the largest numbers living in the Provinces of Warsaw (54), Bialystok (48), Katowice (41), Olsztyn (34), Pila (40), Suwalki (99) -- mostly in the northern and especially northeastern part of Poland.

Kindly provided by:
William F. "Fred" Hoffman
Author, Polish Surnames: Origins & Meanings
Publications Editor, Polish Genealogical Society of America

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