Origins and Meaning of surname PUCHLIK
Origins and Meaning of surname PUCHLIK

PUCHLIK appears to come from a root meaning "to swell, be swollen," and it seems likely the name began as a nickname or a name derived from a personal trait or characteristic; perhaps an ancestor looked swollen.

There is also a root _puch_ meaning "down, feathers," so it's not impossible that the name also means "downy, feathery," perhaps referring to someone's hair.

As of 1990 there were only 112 Polish citizens named PUCHLIK, and 57 of them lived in Bialystok province (there were also 39 in nearby Suwalki province, and a few scattered in other provinces).

Kindly provided by:
William F. "Fred" Hoffman
Author, Polish Surnames: Origins & Meanings
Publications Editor, Polish Genealogical Society of America

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