The Word of God
says we are over-comers by "the word of our testimony" When we hear what God has done for someone else it does increase our own faith that God would also answer our petitions. These are some pieces from a friend of mine's testimony. I have browsed her l life and got for you some high/low lights. I hope she will publish the whole thing one-day. When I received the Holy Ghost Baptism; I didn't even know there was such a thing. I had been taught we received the Holy Spirit when we got saved. Which we do, but it is not the Baptism. I was having an extremely hard time, struggling as a baby Christian, especially with sin. I seemed to be getting worse, not better. No matter how hard I tried. Then, one night, in my bedroom, I got down and prayed. I said, "God, I know you gave me this free will and all, and I appreciate it; but I wish you would make me an exception. I am making such a mess of my life; I want to be a puppet, Lord. I don't want to speak, unless you speak through me, because I just keep sticking my foot in my mouth. I don't want to move, unless you pull my strings, and direct my actions. Instantly I began to speak in tongues; not even knowing what they were and I had such a peace and joy over flowing me. The first thing, I thought was, this must be of the devil, but then I thought "Why would the devil give me something that made me feel so good, and "clean" on the inside? To be safe, I prayed in tongues and English and asked God to show me. For weeks I drove everyone who knew me literally up the wall I could not quit smiling, and telling everyone I loved them. I was so immensely happy! I was hugging everyone. Then through a series of divine miracles of guidance; God lead us to an Assembly of God church (in the next state) where they confirmed through teaching what it was I had received and that it was the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. My life has never been the same (Thank God) and I have never really struggled with sin, like I did before. I was instantly delivered of quite a few things. No-one said anything to me; I just felt "inspired" to wash off all my make up (I had worn gobs of it), to quit wearing mini skirts and hot pants and put on "dresses". I quit cursing and I was instantly delivered from a hard drug habit. I didn't even realise I had quit for three months! (THATS Deliverance!) God had moved us across the country; and we were unpacking and found a bag of pot seeds; that was the first time either of us even thought about drugs or that we weren't even getting high. Where as before, my feet didn't hit the floor, out of bed in the morning. Before I had to have a fix, but when I got the Baptism; I didn't even realise or think about the fact that I wasn't getting high. There was no will-power involved; it was just plain Gods deliverance. Almost 30 years later I still don't even think about it! Someone was with us when we unpacked the pot seeds. They tried to convince us that maybe, pot was okay because after all God made it. So we prayed over these seeds laying hands on them (remember; I was a baby Christian!) and asked God if it was okay to smoke pot, to bless these seeds and make it the best pot ever. If not, to curse them. So we would know one way or the other without any doubt, forever We were staying in the middle of nowhere in the New Mexico desert; great place in the natural to grow pot. We planted them over top of a very fertile cistern and walked away. We barely got a couple hundred feet when out of a clear blue sky. BAM! Lightning struck the very spot where we had planted the seeds, burning the ground to a crisp. After moving away; about ten or 15 years later, we returned to visit those we knew there the young man who had tried to convince us it was okay, took us to show us the ground. It was STILL burnt to a crisp! He, by the way, gave his heart to Jesus and is a Minister of the Gospel today. He had been the son of a backslid Minister and wife, team, who also rededicated their lives to Jesus, and went back into full time ministry. Several years ago, I was dying from my liver, the doctors said it was too late to even put me on a list as I had 30 days or less to live. Most of the time, I was bed-ridden, or almost comatose. I had some good days where I could sit up for a few hours, but that was it. My stomach was so extended (from the liver and spleen being enlarged from cell damage) that I had to wear size 16 maternity clothes (I had worn size 10 before this) and they were tight around the tummy. VERY tight. I heard Kenneth Hagin was to be in Lakeland. About 60 miles away from me. I determined one way or the other I was going to go. I "knew" in my Spirit; God was going to heal me, if I went. My children panicked and tried to talk me out of it. Even my two backslid children decided to go to keep an eye on Mom. They figured we would be going to a hospital somewhere along the way. When we got there, Rev Hagin began to speak in tongues. Then he would interpret. Then he would speak in tongues again and interpret again. This went on MOST of the service. It was just one long message of prophecy, I "KNEW" before the very first interpretation, that it was for me. My heart just "burned" within me. Shortly into the interpretation, my backslide children were "nudging me " and saying " MOM! MOM! That HAS to be for YOU!" ' This is basically what he said: There is a woman here, You have been sent home to die by the doctors. You have been given less than 30 days to live. You have had cancer four times. The illness you now are dying of caused your cancer. God healed you of the cancer every time "just" in the nick of time. You can visibly "see" that you are ill, there is a physical manifestation of your illness. Your children are here with you, but not your husband. You are a Minister, but you have sat down on your ministry. You did not backslide, you sat down for awhile because your child was dying and you needed to care for her. God totally healed her. Then you became ill. Your children were so fearful you would die, they came with you even though two of the four of them are away from God and swore they would never go in a church ever again. God has his hand upon them and they will surrender to Him. The youngest is very dear to you and will enter in the ministry. As the others also have a call upon their lives. From this day forward your "healing" will begin to take place and everyone will know God has touched you. You will begin to recuperate from today forward. It will come in stages. One day it will be complete all at once; and others will witness this manifestation in your body be instantly healed and will "see" it with their natural eye and glorify God. The rest of it concerned my ministry and it also was right on the target. Every tiny detail was right on the mark. I felt so much better I drove home. I have been better ever since. From that day forward, I grew stronger, I even went back into the ministry. I do my own housework and home school my son and go to church three times a week etc. I am out of maternity clothes and wearing regular clothes. Granted; I still have to get ones with loose waistlines, but it is coming. I am back down to a 14. The doctors said my waist going down was equivalent of a leg growing out; because the liver swells when there is cell damage; so for it to go down; the liver cells had to "re-grow". That was another part of the Prophesy; that for the physical manifestation to take place would be equivalent of a limb growing back. There was just so much to it; it is difficult to remember it all. I mean he just hit on every detail. He even mentioned that I had been "prophesied" to years ago about writing a book, and that God would have me to do it. I am MUCH improved. God finishes what He begins. Some believe God said it, pray it once; and then praise Him for the answer. That has never worked for me. At least, not often. My "thoughts" are "according to your faith " so be it unto you. MY faith is in the POWER of prayer. Asking until you receive. Like the widow who knocked at the unjust Judges door at midnight, till even the unjust Judge gave her her request; to shut her up. How much more does God when we petition Him. I took that to mean, we should petition until we get it. Some believe you ask; and rebuke the symptoms. I always believed; if you were healed; you would KNOW it. It would be made manifest. If your arm was cut off; it would have grown out, and you could touch it. I don't believe God is a liar; to me; unless you can feel and see the results; it isn't done yet. It may have begun, or be in progress, but not finished. There is a difference between "healing" and 'miracles". Healing is a 'process" (like my liver.) but a 'miracle " is an INSTANTANEOUS thing that happens NOW, all at once. I think that is what confuses a lot of people. They think all healing is supposed to be like a miracle. EVEN Jesus prayed for the blind man twice. The first time, he saw men as trees walking, the second time, he was totally healed. To me it is NOT an act of unfaith to keep praying Until you know you have received-by it is manifest physically. I know there is also the scripture about Daniel; He prayed and fasted and no answer, but later found that God had sent the Angel the first time he prayed, but Satan had detained him. If Daniel had quit praying; would he have still got his answer? Probably not. If your faith lies in; praying once, and stopping. Fantastic. It just seldom works that way for me. My former Pastor Rev. DeLatte; believes that way. For him, it works. There have been several times, he has told me; God said you are healed. Then it worked for me. Those times it worked for me. I don't know what the difference was? I know he believed if you speak something in faith you can make it become a reality. It doesn't always work. If you have the faith, it does; if you just "wish" it; it doesn't. One time our kids (little at the time) had a 104 fever and I just knew as a Mother that they had pneumonia. It was just about time for church to start. I wrapped by babies up (it was cold out; Ohio) and called Brother DeLatte to tell him, I was on the way to the hospital with them. He told me to bring them to church instead and God would heal them. If it had been anyone but Brother DeLatte; I would have gone on to the hospital. But I knew him, and knew when he said God said, that God said. So I went to church, but I was worried about it some. Before we even got them out of the car they were totally healed. No fever, no congestion, etc. and it didn't come back. Faith is a hard thing to teach. It is something you either have; or you don't. You can "teach" yourself faith. You get faith by the "hearing of the Word of God" you can "encourage yourself, in the word". My son, Stephen when he was 5 years old, was very sick. He laid on the couch and repeated to himself (out loud) all day." By His stripes I am healed" He just kept repeating it. I worried being a Mother then all at once, his countenance changed, and he jumped up and excitedly exclaimed " BY HIS STRIPES I "AM" HEALED" and he was-instantly. Years ago, my husband and I were out in California, just sitting on the beach. All at once we both felt an URGENCY to pray for this man we had known in high school. He had been in some very far-fetched false doctrine; almost devil worship. HE; I would say, was probably possessed. Was on drugs the whole 9 yards. Leader of a bike club, etc. It was so odd; we wrote it down. About two years later we moved back to Indiana. Went to a school function and here is this guy who looks sort of familiar; and it turns out it is him; -but he is all cleaned up, shaved a "new" person. Definitely not the man we knew. (He had told us once that because we were Christians, he would have to kill us someday.) He came up and began to hug us. He told us, one day, he had a gun to his head and was about to kill himself, and he "saw" us sitting on a beach on a rock, praying and binding the spirits in Jesus name, and suddenly he was free. He felt "compelled" to get up and go to a local church. Just as he walked in they were having an altar call; and he answered it. We compared dates; it was the very day we were on that rock, on the beach! Today he is a Minister of the gospel. When I was young; I went into a hospital and God leading me prayed for almost everyone on one floor _-and they were all miraculously healed. I know of another Minister who had a similar experience but I have never been able to do that since. And I definitely felt at a certain point, the "Spirit " lift and after that none else was healed. I don't know what God was doing that day; -I was just sort of along for the ride; but boy did I ever enjoy it! :-) My Uncle Albert, was a Pentecostal Minister. He was also a Prophet, as had been my Grandfather. My Grandfather built and established over 100 Pentecostal churches in the Miami Valley area (Cinci. to Cleveland area). I have a cousin -Max. (Albert's oldest son) Max became a Minister with the United Pentecostal Churches. My Uncle was very upset over this. It didn't really make much of an impression on me. Until the day God sent me to see my Uncle, as he was about to go home soon. God had instructed him on "many" things to tell me; many "prophesies" many of which have come to pass. During this time, he told me of a "prophesy" God had spoken to him concerning Max. He had not had the strength to tell Max. He said he feared if he "spoke" it; it would come to pass. But God had told him to tell me; and I would tell Max. Well; after he told me; I never "intended " to tell Max either, but out of love and respect for my Uncle, I never told him that. He told me God had told him, that Max was in "error" being in the "oneness" doctrine. (Jesus only) They don't believe in the Trinity, the same as we do. And that if he did not repent and come back to God that there would come a time, when he would end up flat on his back. Where he could do nothing but stare straight ahead at a grey ceiling, and he would drool all over himself, and be like Nebacaduzar was (not in his right mind.) But that the instant that he cried out to God and repented (of being in the Oneness doctrine) that he would INSTANTLY be healed and whole. A few years after my Uncle went home with Jesus (shortly after this) I ended up living with Max and his family for awhile. We went to his church a few times. And without meaning to; the Spirit of God came upon me; and before I knew what I had done (that very seldom has happened) I had prophesied what Albert had said to Max shortly after that, we never saw Max for a few years. None in my family would talk to me about him. They would "whisper" and hush when I came close enough to hear. Then one day I saw him again at our family reunion. He "thought" I had heard. And was asking my forgiveness and telling me he was ministering with the Assemblies of God now. When he realised no one had told me; he did. He had a stroke. God had been dealing with him; he was in the pulpit and made a statement against the Trinity doctrine, and instantly had a stroke. They hadn't expected him to live; he was in a coma like state for 5 years or more in a state hospital, staring straight up at a grey ceiling; - unable to speak, or move his body at all. Talk, feed himself or allow anyone to know he was conscious of anything just staring straight up at that grey ceiling drooling all over himself Then in his mind suddenly he remembered the words I had spoken to him and he cried out with all his heart. "God forgive me!" INSTANTLY he was healed, and pulled the IVs out of his body, and got up looking for his pants (which weren't there of course) A few weeks later (he was very weak and needed built up nourishment wise) he was sent home, totally healed. And he instantly went to the Assemblies of God and tore up his Minister's degrees from the UPC. And never fellowshipped with them again. I try to never get into what I call "doctrinal" debates. I personally don't see the big difference in the Trinity and Oneness; to me; God is God but I know what God did in Max's life; and I know the difference in the "sweet" spirit he has now; and the "self righteous " one he had before. And I know my Uncles prophecy came to pass. And that is enough for me. I pray none here is offended; but I really felt led to share this. I pray it edifies and does not hinder anyone. I was saved in a series of events I guess you might say. I had known Jesus; seen Jesus; talked to Jesus, as a child. When I got into my early teenage years, I began to draw away from him; although HE continually was calling me back I remember this one friend of mine, Kathy. She had a crush on this one boy Phil, who was an altar boy at a local church. So she told my Mom she needed my help tutoring her on Sunday mornings (My parents wouldn't allow me to go to church) She wanted to see this boy hoping something would happen I allowed her to drag me along; to go to church. I was hungry; and deep down I missed God. I never thought that lying to go to church might not be the right thing to do it never occurred to me. It was one of those churches where they wore the robes, and sang in Latin (not Catholic; but similar) Episcopalian or something along that line (don't remember). The alter boys would line up in their robes and go down and do this long processional thing lighting candles while everyone sang this opera type song. Kathy and I had gone for about a month to 6 weeks. When suddenly something came over me. (Now I know it was the Holy Ghost, but then I didn't have a clue) I began to cry and weep and could not stop. I was almost hysterical. I kept seeing Jesus being crucified for ME and His calling to me and I RAN out of the church (after stopping the whole procession thing and thousands of eyes all on me.) Some of the teenage girls from school tried to run after me to witness to me; but I ran. So Phil (sweetheart that he was) nicknamed me the schools "Holy Roller" (by the way; Phil wasn't a Christian!) I didn't even know for many years what a "Holy Roller " was. My Mom learned when the Pastor called, wanting to discuss my running out in tears that I had been sneaking off to church. I got grounded and that was the last of my going to church until after I was out on my own, and my life was already a mess. Once in 9th grade music class, we were studying for a Christmas play and singing "Away in a Manger" about 40-50 students. The Holy Ghost came all over me then also and I began to weep uncontrollably. The teacher (bless her) was a Christian. She knew She dismissed the class and tried to lead me to the Lord, even though it would have meant her job if anyone found out. Someone had gone and got the Principal and he interrupted JUST as I was wavering about to give in and accept Jesus as my Saviour. I remember feeling "cheated" but the anointing left and I was told to go to my next class. I lied to the Principal to protect my teacher. She told him the truth. I have NEVER forgotten her, even though shortly after that she transferred back to Texas. We never know how deep an impact just a few words may be having on someone's life The house my parents had moved into was directly across the street from a church. Every Sunday morning the "bells" would ring and I would just literally feel "tormented" I felt "driven" to go to church but knew I couldn't even if "I" gave in. I will never forget those bells After all of this; I got date raped ended up pregnant. I hadn't even wanted to go out with this guy. This girl, Debbie pushed me and pushed me. I hadn't yet dated anyone! She wasn't the kind of person I normally sought out as a friend. I felt sorry for her, so I tried to be polite to her. Being young and naive I didn't realise the folly in that. She called my Mom and lied to her and told her she needed me to go with her somewhere and for some weird reason. My Mom went for it and pushed me to go. I didn't have enough nerve to tell my Mom the truth so I was sort of dragged along on this date; -and got raped. So naturally I still couldn't tell my parents. (Or so I thought) When it was discovered I was pregnant, I was only 16, My Mom FORCED me to marry the guy or she was going to have my baby taken away from me and me put in a reform school. (She threatened him with jail) I checked it out and she could do that by the laws back then. (To me anyways) In spite of the fact that I was an honour roll student and had 10 full scholarships waiting me in just a few weeks at the end of that semester. So I got married and lost my scholarships. It was a very abusive marriage, at best. I was miserable and trying to persuade myself that I wasn't. He was never home; and slept around with everyone and beat me. I went to my Moms one day to do the laundry. For two years I never went anywhere but to my Moms or to the grocery store. My Aunt Beulah was there. She is the family Nazarene. Always bugging everyone to death to go to church with her. She was hounding my parents and everyone who would come in the door. Everyone but me. I was crying out inside "Just ask me; I will go" but she never did. So finally I got up my nerve and told her "I will go" She ignored me. Although my Mom about had a stroke on the spot. In spite of my Mom, I hollered louder " I WILL GO!" She looked stunned. She then began to try to find reasons why she couldn't take me. Normally my flesh would have stomped out. But there was such a "hunger" inside me; and I didn't even know why but I stood my ground and INSISTED she take me. Finally she said I had nothing "adequate" to wear. So I volunteered to wear one of my Mothers (yuck!) dresses if she would JUST take me along (That is a miracle in itself, just try to get an 18-year-old girl to wear IN PUBLIC one of her Mothers dresses!) We got to the church. It was a "massive" building Seated thousands. Looked more like a cathedral than a Nazarene church. They were having a Revival. It was the last night of it. The place was packed. We got a seat in the near back in the middle of the pew. Almost everyone there appeared to be extremely wealthy. There were women in mink coats dripping with diamonds. And looking "snooty" to boot. I really felt out of place in my Mothers dress. The service started and ran on and on and on and I am fighting going to sleep, but knowing Beulah will have my hide if I do I cant remember one word of the sermon not one. I am sitting there telling myself "Why did I get myself into this. Well, NEVER again. I will suffer through this and never go to church again " Just then; they began to have the altar call. I began to feel the Holy Spirit tugging at my heart I started squirming in my seat. Beulah yelled at me to sit still. I started arguing with myself about going up. They were singing "Softly and tenderly" and I was holding the tears back. I knew from past experience that if I let them flow it would be a downpour. Then I saw a light, a bright light, coming from the top of the ceiling. (A frame roof) it got brighter and brighter. It was blinding. (Remember I had little or NO Christian upbringing. I didn't know about Paul on the road to Damascus!) I began to try to tell myself I would get saved; later; after "I" cleaned my life up so I would be "presentable" to God. The light came closer. And got intense. They began to sing "Just as I am" (there went my excuses.). Then from the light I saw it was Jesus and HE was calling my name and telling me to come. That I may not have another chance to come today for today was the day of salvation he kept calling me. The tears began to erupt it was a gully washer I tried to get up from my seat to get to the aisle. My Aunt grabbed me and told me to "sit down" in her meanest voice. (She told me later that she thought I was being disrespectful and was going to leave the building in the middle of the altar call) I tried to wrestle away from her and go anyways the tears still flowing she got the people beside us to grab me and try to forcefully hold me to my seat. I hit them! And told them to LEAVE ME BE! The whole church of course turned around by then to see what was the commotion. Beulah tried to pretend then she didn't know me I got to the end of the aisle NO-ONE had gone forward NOT ONE they had just started to end the alter call when I stepped out I was crying so hard I could not see. I fell to the floor and CRAWLED on my hands and knees sobbing my heart out all the way to the alter (long way) I remember seeing this one older lady with her fur coat and diamonds looking so prim and proper; and HORRIFIED. I didn't care. NOTHING or NO-ONE was going to keep me from reaching that alter. Not this time. When I got there, God began to talk to me; it was so beautiful and we were getting things worked out; then Dear sweet Aunt Beulah tried to "help God out" and came up to pray with me. She was so loud; I no longer could hear God; so I got frustrated and got up. As I got up I noticed something, but it didn't mean anything to me until years later when God brought it to my remembrance. The alter, the aisles, everywhere you could look there were people on their knees repenting and weeping before the Lord; even the old lady in her furs. All it took was one person to go forward, to touch others hearts, to go as well So today I hit a lot of alter calls hoping it will encourage those "trembling" to go forward if I do Revival broke out in that church that lasted for months. I never went back. When I got home I was still on cloud nine; like most new born babes in Christ I felt as if I was walking on air; I hugged EVERYONE. I did my Moms dishes for her before going home. etc and I couldn't quit singing and smiling Then my husband came home; and wanted to know "What was up?" So I excitedly told him, just sure he was going to share in my new found Joy. I don't think I will ever forget the stricken look of horror on his face. HE calmly went to some personal belongings of his and pulled out this tiny Boy Scouts Bible, and showed me in it where it was inscribed where he gave his heart to Jesus as a child. I am thinking "Fantastic!" Then I wondered why he never told me? He goes on patiently telling me how he had backslid on God and he was going to divorce me now, because now that I was a Christian, he KNEW God would hound him even more I was devastated. Crushed. Dumbfounded. I sucked my breathe in and told him I would never go to church again, nor pray, or anything if he just wouldn't leave me and our son. He argued it would make no difference now. He got up and walked out. I didn't see him for days. When the Pastor and some elders came from the church begging me to come back. Telling me how God had moved and their church was in such a great Revival; and how God wanted to use me; I told them to leave and never return for I wanted my husband and the father of my son. They bowed their heads looking so defeated -but they left-promising to pray for me anyways. Shortly after that my husband had himself checked into the mental ward of the local hospital for "stress" and drug addiction. HE had arranged for his parents to drive me and my son and all our belongings to Texas, where they lived. HE convinced me we would make a "fresh start" when he got out of the hospital and in the meantime his parents would look out after the baby and me. My parents begged me to not go. But I went. After I got to Texas, I realised what a fatal mistake I had made. I was literally a 'prisoner" I was watched 24 hrs a day. Not allowed to even go out in the yard without his sister or brother to escort me. His Mother had her Pastor come by to "counsel me" HE insisted on taking me alone (against her protest) HE asked me questions. God began to talk to me and told me what to say. We began to talk about my experiences with God. Then he went out and told my Mother in law (in front of me) HE didn't care how much tithe she paid, he would not testify any lies against me, that he could see Gods hand upon me, and she had best leave me and my child alone. She went into a rage. (She did that a lot) My sister in law told me late at night (whispering) that they planned to have me committed to an insane asylum so she could get custody. She wanted my son; and my husband didn't want to pay support. (He would call every night and talk for hours to his Mom; but refused to talk to me) I guess they had tried a few years earlier to do it to my other sister in law; and almost succeeded but her family was the royal family of a South American country and they pulled some big strings, but they figured it would work on me. I prayed. My sister in law was fighting with her Mom and decided to help me. We went out into the yard, and she pretended to "watch me" while I jumped the chain link fence and ran 10 blocks or so to the closest pay phone. The "neighbour" went running to tell her the moment I passed her house! I guess she had been set to watch me also. I got to the phone and my Mom had JUST answered the phone when my Mother in law pulled up in her car. All I had was time to do was cry "Mom, help me!" and my Mother in law took the phone and hung it up and ordered me back in the car. When she got me back to the house she just honestly told me what she had planned and that the Sheriff would be there first thing in the morning to pick me up to escort me to the hospital. I don't think I have ever prayed so hard in my life! I didn't know what to do or think. But Praise God! My Dad (Bless him!) and my Uncle Clyde (that I asked for prayer request for before?) drove ALL night breaking every speeding law there was (from North Indiana to Dallas) They pulled up in the drive way EARLY in the morning, and demanded to see me. They brought a U haul trailer with them. As my Mother in law tried to tell them I was away, my Dad busted through the door, grabbed me, and my son, and began just throwing my stuff in the u haul. She called the Sheriff. In ten minutes our stuff was loaded and we sped off with her screaming we would all be in jail in minutes. We passed the Sheriff just down the street. HE did a U-turn and followed us full speed. My Dad just kept on driving. Back then, the police could only follow you to the end of their district. When we reached the county line; he stopped. In case I didn't mention it the sheriff was her good buddy. The rest of the trip back to Indiana was uneventful. I never heard from my Mother in law ever again and only once since then (years later) did I ever hear from my husband. I was home just before Christmas. Several days later, my Mom began to yell at me. Debbie, the same girl, had called me and wanted to take me to get a coke. I knew she was trouble; but here I had not gone anywhere except my Moms and grocery for over two whole years and I am only 18 years old so I went. I was gone 30 minutes. That was it. My Mother threw a fit and called me all sorts of names and DEMANDED I sign custody of my son over to her She said they could get a welfare check to raise him and I could go back to school. I refused. I wanted to go back to school I offered to go to school and work and pay them to watch him, but she refused. So she gave me an ultimatum. Sign over custody or get out of the house RIGHT then. It was 9:00 p.m. and 20 degrees below zero and snowing blindly. I bundled my son up fixing to leave while my Dad urged my Mom to reconsider. Just then my Uncle Clyde came in and took me home with him. (That was God!) A few days later someone (??) reported him to some agency and I was told he would loose some benefits he was getting if my son and I didn't leave. He was heartbroken. He opened his pockets up and gave me half of all the money he had. Which wasn't much. My son and I ended up sleeping on the bathroom floor of the bus station for weeks. God did a miraculous miracle for us then. While my son and I were sleeping in the bus station bath room floor; during the day we would walk around, usually going from one business to another to stay warm. Some realised we were homeless and would give me change, a meal, or diapers. I NEVER asked anyone for anything! One day I felt drawn to this vacant 3-bedroom house. As I was inquiring about it with a neighbour the owner drove up. After a short chat he let us move in with no money, no job, and no idea where the money would come from. He gave me three months to get the money. (You KNOW that was God!) Debbie came over with her boyfriend and put up a Christmas tree for me and my son, Danny. Then she left to go to her Dads for Christmas. I still had no food, no heat, no water, no electricity, and no furniture; or even curtains on the windows. Just me, Danny in an empty big old COLD house. Sitting on a bare wood floor under a Christmas tree. Danny had not had anything to eat, or even milk in his bottle all day. When we became homeless I had been forced to put him back in diapers and a bottle. He had water in his bottle, but it was so cold I had to keep shaking it to keep it from freezing. I held him in my arms trying to keep him warm. I couldn't keep from crying. HE reached up and wiped my tears away. It was so cold they were literally freezing upon my cheeks. He said in his little child like voice "Don't worry Mommy, I take care of you" It only broke my heart and made me cry harder. I began to think of all the kids the next morning who, would awake to warm houses, creep up to their Christmas trees, packed with presents and as they unwrapped them. They would be throwing paper and toys away for not being good enough, going from one toy to the next, like a shark in a feeding frenzy. Then I imagined them sitting around big round tables with all their family eating every kind of delectable food imaginable and throwing it under the table to the dog. I became anguished and bitter I screamed at God: "WHAT ABOUT MY LITTLE BOY? DONT YOU CARE ABOUT HIM?" I heard a voice telling me how His son was born in a manager. I didn't want to hear it, so I blocked it out. I began screaming at God again, that if He didn't provide for my son, I would reject Him. It was so cold Danny fell asleep in my arms no matter how much I shook him trying to keep him awake. I was afraid we would die from hypothermia if we feel asleep. But finally I dozed off also, unable to fight the cold any longer wondering as I drifted off if we would awake alive or not. I heard a banging, from far far away, it seemed. Then as I became more awake I realised it was someone knocking on the front door. And that it was morning and WARM! I got up off the floor to go see who it could be. There were all sorts of strangers standing there. They asked if I minded if they brought a "few" things in for Danny and me for Christmas. I am still half asleep and dazed, so I said "Sure." They proceeded to file in, more and more of them. They had come in station wagons, trucks, vans, etc. Their vehicles took up both sides of the street all the way down the block! They brought me a stove and refrigerator, washer and dryer, and 6 rooms of furniture besides. They had made us a turkey and a Ham dinner with all sorts of side items and pies, and cakes and all sorts of things. (I remember this one lady explaining they didn't know if I liked ham or turkey so they cooked both.) Then I had boxes and boxes of food items that didn't fit in all the cabinets. Two rooms full I remember. Maybe more. The men brought in ladders and installed shades and curtains over all my windows. (While most people would have been at home with their families on Christmas Morning!) They had got the utility companies out on Christmas Eve (after I had fallen asleep) to turn on my water, heat and electricity and a phone! (THAT was a miracle!) They paid the deposits and bills for three months in advance; plus they paid my rent and deposits for three months in advance! Then they gave me a gospel tract and left. Soon as they drove away, I had another knock on the door. This lady asked me if they had helped me. She said she had passed by my window the night before when I was screaming at God; and she had called this church anonymously and told them about us. It was orchestrated mostly by the pastor. It was the nationally known David Jeremiah. He was only there for a short period of time; but it changed my life! I went back and gave them my testimony a couple of years ago. I have not yet had the opportunity to tell him. Because of this I started a ministry giving away furniture, house wares, food, clothing etc until I lost it a year ago. After a few months the owner of this house put it up for sale, and once again I needed to find a place to live. I had got a job, but had just lost it when this happened. Through "Debbie" (again) I found a place to stay temporarily. It was a real dump, in an apartment building. It was occupied by nothing but drug pushers. Most of which I had gone to High School with. So it was a difficult situation for me to be in. One -I needed a place to live. Two these were 'kids" I had grown up with. They all tried (most not all) to keep an eye out for me and take care of Danny and me. For along time none ever did anything to harm me. If I needed groceries-they went out and bought me some. If I needed money to pay the rent, they "gave" it to me-no strings attached, they treated me like they would of their little sister. I was lonely-I would go sit in their apartments and listen to music or watch t.v with them. They would play with Danny. I felt as if they were a sort of 'adopted" family. They were treating me better than my family was. Satan used this. He knew I was weak and vulnerable. Many "cults" use these same tactics to recruit I didn't realise that then however. They weren't doing it deliberately-but the devil was. I ended up taking drugs. Heavily. I had got so despondent, that I didn't care if I lived or died. I only held on because of my son. I had gone through several "episodes" of trying to pray through, and live for God again, but it just never stuck. God would MIRACULOUSLY deliver me from drugs-with no withdrawal -but I just kept going back. I had no deliverance from the 'problems" that got me on the drugs to begin with. I went to a half way type house with a black minister GOD had introduced me to through my husband of all people. The first time I met Sam he told me God had put him there for me, not for my husband. I didn't call Sam for a year and a half. Then one day I found his card in my coat pocket. I would not be here today if not for Sam, many times over. He put up with me more than anyone I know. My complaining, and excuses etc. HE would drive me around all hours of the night just listening to me gripe. With other people along of course. The first time I had met him-he came up and grabbed me and gave me this big old bear hug. WELL, I was raised in the SOUTH! Nice girls just didn't go around hugging black men. I was so offended, and he knew it! (I didn't like anyone to "touch" me. I didn't know Christians HUGGED each other!) HE had his hands full with me! He began to wear this HUGE big wooden cross around his neck. And anytime he took any of us kids out in public he would go table to table (in restaurants) giving out his business cards and explaining to EVERY customer in the place who he was-and what he was doing with us. THAT was embarrassing to me, but NOW I really respect him for it! It took boldness. He was a Minister of Church of Christ. They don't believe in the Baptism of the Holy Ghost-or miracles, except through the power of prayer. One night he was REAL sick. I was having another of my personal "crisis" and his wife told me the doctor was going to put him in the hospital in the morning if he wasn't better. (He had pneumonia) yet, he forced himself to get up and drive me around town to listen to me complain, and find excuses. The next morning he didn't even have a sniffle. God totally healed him! One day (years ago) I went to the radio room office, where Bro.DeLatte gave his LIVE radio broadcast. It covered several states. I had listened faithfully to his broadcast, as most members of our congregation did. HE had asked me to come in and just "sit" that day. I had got the attitude listening to the broadcast that it really 'looked easy" We had a call in program, where people would call in LIVE with their prayer request; and testimonies of the answered prayer. This particular day he received one phone call after another "berating him" ridiculing him being argumentative down right "devilish" some of them. Over the air! I remember one person calling in (a prominent Minister) calling him a "Jimmy Jones" over the air telling him how "GOD" was going to "get him" He seemed to just 'flow" with the anointing and it all seemed to come as easy as breathing to him he handled each one with professionalism and "finesse" I had been thinking: " Oh God! How would I handle that?" and I knew I couldn't. Then the time expires and we are no longer "on the air" He collapsed his head upon his desk and just sobbed like a baby. Cried his heart out. I was just dumbfounded. While I am still in shock and wondering what to do; - HE raises his head and prays: "Oh, Father, forgive them for they know not what they do" I have NEVER heard such a "sincere" prayer in my life Then he just seemed to "shake it off" and he turned to me, "slightly apologising for needing a 'moment", but that after all in this kind of ministry one fights all sorts of Spirits". And he turned to me and began to 100 % focus on what he had asked me to come there for in the first place. I don't remember what that was; but I will NEVER forget those 20 minutes in that radio room. With one of Gods Generals, in the midst of the "battle" I grew a little higher that day, in God; just "witnessing" it. I remember telling him: " I could NEVER handle it like he had in a million years " He just smiled and said " Oh yes, you will. Not over night, but day upon day, precept upon precept, you will learn to walk in it". And I can look back now and see where I have come from and how very far I have travelled. And I CAN handle a lot of things (with Jesus) that I never dreamed would ever be possible. I can "over look" and forgive a lot of slights and even down right stabs in the backs by friends and colleagues that I never once thought possible. And MOST days, I can even look up from the desk (after sobbing MY heart out) and truly say: "Father forgive them, for they know not what they are doing" Many years ago Few years after starting in the ministry; - I was at this gas station, tourist trap in New Mexico Steve had filled the car with gas, and I was returning to our car with our children I had escorted to the 'potty". Another car had pulled up beside ours, and was very narrow space to manoeuvre between the two to get back inside our car. The man was just exiting his vehicle and snapped at me to keep my "brats away from his car as his dog bites" and he swaggered off. Just then I saw this vicious Doberman (huge one!) He was in a cage, in the rear of the mans truck, facing where we HAD to walk past. At first, I wasn't concerned I had never seen a dog that didn't like me; even the most "supposed" vicious ones. This dog began growling and barking VICIOUSLY and foaming at the mouth he was going insane trying to eat through his cage to get to us with murder definitely on his mind My daughter was about 3 and she became terrified. I prayed, and God showed me in the spirit several demons in this dog. I saw them like in a "vision" I turned and out loud in front of everyone present, pointed my finger at the dog, which was terrifying everyone present, and had drawn a crowd, and said. "Devil come out of him, in the name of Jesus and don't return or enter anyone present". INSTANTLY this dog became "confused" looking (Like "What happened?") And then he rolled over on his tummy and whimpered wanting me to "pet him" which me and my kids did. While the crowd looked on amazed Someone told the guy inside the restaurant that his "vicious" dog was a "pussycat" now. He came out screaming and threatening me what had I done to his dog? That is was worthless to him now. (I guess he used it in dogfights) He said he had never even been able to touch the dog that he had a special thing made on his cage to feed him through the cage. He ended up giving him to a truck driver, who was very pleased to get such a "well mannered sweet " dog. The man threatened to "sue me" (even though dog fights are illegal) We just got in our car and left, while he was still angry and totally bewildered as to what happened to his vicious dog. Anyway, My life didn't improve much. Even after getting saved. I had no power or deliverance over sin. No matter how much I tried, I just couldn't walk the walk at least not consistently. I was addicted to drugs. I cried out to God and HE delivered me "several " times with no withdrawal etc But I wasn't delivered from what caused me to take drugs to begin with unhappiness. I use to say, I wish someone would create a 'happy pill" I am going to skip large portions of my life here; and just jump ahead I am planning on writing that testimony book God called me to do long ago, so will save it for that. I received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. Praying privately at my bedside. I didn't even know what it was I had received. I had been taught that you receive the Holy Ghost at conversion; so when everyone had been telling me I need the Holy Ghost. I kept thinking, what's wrong with them, I already have it NOONE told me it was a separate experience Not even my Pentecostal Minister Uncle. He just "assumed" I knew what he was talking about. From the time I got the Baptism I only took drugs twice after that. It was social pressure. I didn't really want to; and I never repeated it. I was so happy; - I didn't want to get high. I didn't even think about getting high. God moved Steve and me (we weren't married yet) out of state and led us to this Assembly of God (Glad Tidings) church. (Through miracles.) We had never gone to church but a few times either. I had more than Steve. The Spirit kept drawing me to church. Even though it was contrary to my "Jesus movement " beliefs I had originally got sucked into. At this Assembly of God church our lives got turned upside down. We got "taught" what it was I had got when I prayed and began to speak in tongues we got taught "faith". And nothing has ever been the same since. Had got deathly ill from the life I had led; and the drugs I had taken. I only weighed 78 lbs. Although the Doctors did say it could have been hereditary; I still believe my life style had a lot to do with it. I had an incurable blood disease with several "complications" with it. For one, my blood would not clot. If I pricked myself with a sewing needle I passed out from loss of blood before I could even get help. One Dr gave me 3 months to live. One 6 months. And another said that a year was the VERY most I could hope for. I also had a form of leukaemia. Except my white blood cells were eating my red blood cells. And the white ones were mutating and were malignant I had hardly any haemoglobin. I discovered the problem when I HAD to get a wisdom tooth pulled. The dentist had wanted to do it in his office; but I INSISTED on going to the hospital I told him I had this overwhelming "feeling" I would die having the tooth pulled. He thought I was off my rocker but during the surgery I bled so bad they had to give me more pints of blood than my body normally held. He said the only reason I didn't die; was a specialist (in blood clotting problems) was visiting from England and heard the call go out over the loud speaker in the hospital and came into operating room to assist. They never even got to pull the tooth. They said I would die a terrible death in lots of pain, and eventually becoming a "vegetable" of sorts. So they all insisted I could not be left alone, and needed a live in caretaker, until I got so bad I would have to be institutionalised. (Nursing home to die) I was 20 years old; my son Danny was only 4 years old. I never knew or even thought that God healed. I just accepted the fact that I was going to die; and began trying to make arrangements for my son. I had met this girl, Melinda and she moved in with me. To help take care of Danny. I got sick with pneumonia, and so did Steve. We went to the emergency room at the hospital. They treated Steve; but told me I was terminal, there was nothing they could do for me; to go home; and die. But to be sure to keep someone there at all times, so I didn't die with Danny alone. So Steve and I tried to treat my pneumonia the only way we knew how with lots and lots of drugs I took all the over the counter medication I could stand and then we drank lots of HOT tea with Jack Daniel's whiskey in it. I ran a vaporiser and I stayed in bed. I normally did not touch alcohol. My parents were alcoholics so I detested it. But when I called home, my Dad had told me the whiskey would clear up my congestion. I figured I was dying anyways; at least I would stay "tipsy" and maybe not feel the pain so much I began to pray. All I can remember saying was "God help me" It was all I knew, Because I didn't know God healed and even the very thought still had never even entered my mind. I just wanted this "unthought of thing out there somewhere for God to do, to make it all alright again " I couldn't put my finger on what that would be but figured God could and I wanted Him to take care of my son. I had broke down and told my child I would die and leave him soon. I had not told anyone else; not my parents; and not Steve just my son, and Melinda, and her only because she needed to know for Danny. I didn't want anyone to treat me different, until it was to late. I wanted to try to have as normal a few months left that I could. I didn't want anyone's pity. It was NOT an easy time. As we tried to get over the pneumonia (Steve was already well) He would come over and sit with me. I was too weak by this time to even go to the restroom without someone carrying me. Steve had put the mattress of my bed, on the floor, and he made a cot of sorts out of blankets and quilts and he would sit for hours talking to me, or fetching things for me (Kleenex, hot tea, soup etc). And he would prop me up just a little and we would try to play cards, at the moments I felt some better. Melinda had betrayed my trust by this time; and told Steve I was dying. He had gone back to the emergency room insisting why they wouldn't admit me. And the Doctor broke down and told him (although legally he wasn't suppose to) We played the radio. I wanted Christian music. So Steve, who always listened to hard rock, humoured me. He found this station, and we began to listen. This guy was preaching and all at once I heard him say "MY Jesus" Well I had NEVER heard anyone speak of Jesus in such a personal, one on one way before, except my Grandmother (whom I adored and helped to raise me) and myself. So, he had MY attention. We listened to the whole broadcast, but it never once mentioned the name of the church or its location. So I INSISTED that Steve call the radio station and find out. He humoured me again, although I could tell he didn't want to. He was raised Catholic, and he detested church on account of it. He thought they were all just 'ceremonies" and dry and dead. And boring. The radio station told us; then we listened to another broadcast (they gave us the times) and they announced they were starting a Revival. I didn't even know what a Revival was. So we looked it up in the dictionary. It said to "revive or bring back alive something that was dead" That really went over my head. I wanted to go there was a BURNING desire in my heart to get there Steve knew there was no way I could go. I couldn't even stand up. So he told me "IF" I got better he would take me. He was also afraid of my even being out in the cold briefly. It was winter in Michigan. Bitter cold. I prayed. God let me get better long enough to go to this "Revival" thing at least one night Anyways the VERY next day I awoke and ALL signs of the pneumonia was gone no cough, no congestion no fever, etc and I was able to eat real food. Steve still didn't want to take me. It started the very next day. He said it was too cold and I would get sick again. So I prayed again "God Please let it warm up, so I can go just one day" I don't know if I would of even considered it "prayer" back then it was just a yearning in my thoughts and heart to God. The next day, unexpectedly it was nearly 60 degrees! A real heat wave the snow even melted. It felt like a spring day. So much so that even Steve wanted to get out and just go do something. He agreed to take me for a "drive" but we had to be home before it began to get dark, because then it would start to get cold again. As we were out driving, I convinced him to at least "look" for this church. We drove and drove and could not find it. It was suppose to be on Main St. but we drove from one end of Main to the other we finally stopped a mail man who surely knew where this church was on HIS route but he said he had no idea and he had lived here all his life. Steve was relieved. And he got me to drop it. We figured it was just something that was not ever going to happen and wasn't meant to be He wanted to take a quick drive out in the country before heading home we headed out of town on Main St and all of a sudden, low and behold! There it was the church! Out in the middle of nowhere And people were going in it already. We looked at the clock and were surprised to find it was 6 p.m. Just the time service was suppose to commence. So I convinced Steve it WAS Gods will for us to go. We went into the parking lot; but parked way off on the edge and sat in the truck, debating on whether to go or not till someone came up to us and urged us to come in and we felt obligated to get out. We could feel this strong tug; almost like a magnet drawing us inside but we also were fighting this "fear" of the unknown that was about to over come us The blood disease I had, I hardly had any white blood cells, and therefore I had NOTHING to fight off germs or disease such as pneumonia. That is why the hospital just sent me home to die. I had a very bad case of pneumonia. I could scarcely breathe I was so congested and running a very high fever. After praying to be able to get to the Revival, I awoke with no signs of even a cold! And I was full of "energy" where before I couldn't even stand up Yet, I still did not consider that God "healed" or that He would heal me Before when I had wanted to go to this church, we also had not had the gas money to go. I don't remember how; either someone came by unexpectedly and gave us some money; or we received some in the mail, but it came in MORE than what we needed just that morning. Then Steve's truck wouldn't start. We prayed and all at once it just started. (We KNEW there was power in prayer; we just didn't know about healing, or any of the Gifts of the Spirit; although I had been operating in several of the Gifts, since receiving the Baptism and didn't even realise what it was!)) We had asked ALL sorts of people for directions to this church also not just the postman! No one seemed to know where it was, although many knew of it. After we got out of the truck, we began to walk very slowly toward the door. There was a "fear" that just came over both of us. We KNEW deep down once we walked through those doors, that our lives would never be the same. We just KNEW it and it was thrilling and terrifying all at once. Yet we seemed to be drawn beyond our control Steve describes it as something out of Star Trek; a "tracking beam" drawing us pulling us in Yet, almost there, we turned and began to cowardly run back to the known safety of his truck. But this dear sister in Christ Sister Mae grabbed us by our elbows and sweetly greeted us to the body of Christ (as she put it) and loved us into the door of the sanctuary (not allowing us a moment to recuperate and retreat.) Once inside the door, we did relax a bit. Although we were VERY unsure of what to do and what was expected of us. We were both still dressed like "hippies" Steve had a moustache and his hair was below his waist. (He had Beautiful thick hair!) HE had on blue jeans and a flannel shirt. I had my hair to my waist also, and was wearing a shirt of some kind and my ragged "righteous" I called them, blue jeans with a heart patch saying " I love Jesus " on the knee and a quilt work patch on the rear. But no one seemed to notice or care how we looked they loved us like we were their long lost relatives We were timid, shy but eating up all that attention and love, we had been so starved for We sat through one service just hanging on EVERY word then we went home with every one trying to pour as much LOVE into as possible, on the way out the door. I don't think I have ever been hugged so much in my life wasn't a "touchy feely " sort of person (and neither was Steve) but it felt GOOD! (I know NOW that they were fearful we wouldn't come back) We went home and literally counted the hours till time to go back. We wore our "Nicer blue jeans" next service. :-) The first service. AS we walked in the door and just got sat down a tongues and interpretation came through the Pastor I had heard them as a child from family members (Steve being raised Catholic had not!) But; I had NEVER heard one like this! The only way to describe it; - We KNEW this was the very voice of God almighty! It scared us to the bone! We felt like Moses must of felt, at the burning bush we both had an overwhelming desire to remove our shoes and prostrate ourselves face first to the ground But we looked around and none else was (which perplexed us.) They had their arms up in the air Praising God with expressions of utter JOY and admiration on their faces. We compared notes all night long talking about it, later, while anxiously awaiting the next night's service! We figured they weren't walking in sin like we knew we were The message in tongues. " I AM the Lord thy God I am the same, yesterday today and forever, I change not. " that is all we heard we NEVER forgot it! The next night we were there 30 minutes before the church doors were open. We couldn't understand why no one else was there yet? The Pastors face, I will never forget, when he pulled up and saw us waiting and even more so when he realised we were there anxiously awaiting service and not there to rob him! :-) His "faith" rose to the limits. You could just see it on his face, as he went about preparing for service and for the congregation to show up. He began singing and doing a little "two step " dance and the oddest thing; we weren't offended (like we normally would of been) to know he felt threatened by us at first. It was as though deep down we had DETERMINED we wanted what they had; and we were going to press in and get it, no matter what! He ran to the door to greet the "elders" as they came in (to fill them in) they all made sure they came by to "love us up" and then they FLEW to the alter to begin "beseeching with all their heart, God, on our behalf " (discreetly; of course!) I recently called the Pastor (Rev Panacost) and he informed me the elders prayed for us daily; every one of them; to this day; except the ones who have gone on to be with Jesus. We must have really been a sight! We watched every movement the congregation did-so we would know what was expected of us when they sat, we sat. When they stood, we stood. It was like little Parrots watching every movement. The Evangelist came out to preach. Stan Fortenberry, it was his first Revival, Scheduled revivals anyway. He had already preached at one other church, I believe. He had just started out in the ministry. Well, we were just starting out too. HE taught us ALOT. Especially about FAITH. FAITH that "moves mountains". The church was built on a small hill of sorts. And it was very treacherous in the winter getting in to the parking lot and out and to walk into the building. They talked a lot about Jesus casting their "mountain into the sea". We "believed" it. Every service we would look, as we came out of the building, BELIEVING, the parking lot to be flat Sister Mae asked me once what I was looking for and I told her, asking, "Aren't you?" in the most innocent of voices I will never forget the look of utter shock on her face and then "shame" She told me I was the best thing that ever happened to her next to Jesus. I didn't understand then. I use to think she was an Angel, maybe She had a "glow" about her literally. She wore those old black "nun shoes" I use to call them and black dresses like the Old time Pentecost women wore? And her hair was always up in a bun. Not the kind of "role model" you would of expected a drug addict young woman to look up to; but I did. She had everything I didn't; and everything, I wanted- JOY, Peace. Then there was the elderly man in the "green sweater" We never learnt his name; but we FELT the power of his prayers for us; -and his prophesies to us, came to pass, YEARS later He had such a sweet HUMBLE spirit Those were the things we focused on; and gobbled up like starving children I couldn't tell you about the choir (or if they even had one?) or what the sanctuary looked like? (Don't remember) of anything we saw their HOLINESS and their LOVE And we were starved for it When we went in for service the second time; -this lady sat in front of us. We watched as she hobbled to her seat. A few people tried to assist her, but she proudly pushed them off, with a bit of frustration, that they persisted in "pampering " her. She used a cane. Her right leg; - I will never forget it. There are times in life when you pass someone in public that just makes your heart burn with compassion or horror. Most times we quickly glance away, not knowing how to respond, or embarrassed by our own good health If I had seen her anywhere but church, that is how I too would of reacted. Her right leg, I guess is what Jesus would have referred to as "withered". It was literally just a "piece of meat" she dragged behind her body, with the assistance of her one good leg, and her cane. It looked like a donut that is 'twisted" Know the kind I mean? Or a breadstick you twist before putting it in to cook twisted over and over again with no life to it all she could do was drag it literally behind her It fell backward, slightly behind her body lifeless, and grotesque. She would take one step forward with her left leg, and then pull her dead lifeless twisted leg forward, then take another step with the left leg. I hardly heard a word he was preaching this time; although I tried I couldn't get my thoughts or eyes off of this poor woman sitting in front of me I felt so sorry for her. It never occurred to me; that she was middle age (40's) with a husband and children and was "just" handicapped, and here I was young, with a small child and dying! I thought she really was unfortunate and I wondered why God allowed her to be this way? She seemed like such a nice lady. All these people who seemed so Godly just seemed to esteem her highly. EVERYONE came by to speak to her before service. Even the Pastor. He did seem a bit uneasy that she sat in front of us; HE offered to assist her to sit closer to the front, (where her children and husband were) and was uncomfortable when she declined (she smiled and said God told her to sit there!) He also asked her if she intended to get in "another prayer line" (I didn't know what a prayer line was, so I listened carefully) she said "of course" HE tried patiently to assure her it wasn't necessary to put herself through that again She patiently, but firmly told him that God had told her He WAS going to heal her, and she WAS going to get in that prayer line AGAIN. He looked worriedly in my direction, sighed and walked away. I found out later. That she had stubbornly got into EVERY prayer line since she was a little girl waiting for God to heal her leg. (And that people had "prophesied" over her that she WAS healed) A lot of churches had brushed her aside; embarrassed by her, stubbornness. Suddenly the Evangelist was asking for a "prayer line" I had been praying for this poor woman and hadn't paid a lot of attention but he had my attention then! I wondered what a prayer line was. Did people get in a line and pray out loud one by one or possibly quietly? I didn't have a clue and I was the ULTIMATE shyest and timid backward person you would ever want to meet. I didn't want to get caught in something that would draw attention to myself! I would just die of embarrassment if I had to ask for the restroom key in public. I would turn beet red and begin to cry! Suddenly the middle aisle began to fill up with people They were standing there like in school when we had been marched to the water fountain-waiting, patiently for 'their turn" Their turn at what, I wondered? Suddenly the lady in front of me was attempting to pull herself up with her one leg and using her arms, holding firmly onto the side of the pew. The Pastor began to leap up from his seat on the platform. The Evangelist waved to him insistently, to sit down. (How many Evangelist do we have with THAT kind of boldness?) My heart leaped to my throat as I watched this pathetic, poor woman struggle JUST to stand up. By this time the Evangelist had laid his hands upon a few peoples foreheads and 'prayed for them" So I grasped what a "prayer line " was. I heard a few people shout and get excited after he had prayed for them. I figured the poor souls, believed they got something. But when they realised they didn't, it would probably be no big deal. But when I realised this poor woman in front of me was struggling so hard physically-and I could see the desperation in her face. I was fearful, she would throw Jesus out with the whole thing, when she didn't get healed. So I did one of the first "unselfish" acts in my life- I also struggled to get up -past my fear of people-and got up in line behind her. Now this whole time the Evangelist is praying for people, he is watching this woman and me out of the corner of his eye. When I got up, He shouted! The congregation (and the Pastor) groaned, and RAN to the altar to hit their prayer bones. You talk about some people crying out to God with ALL their hearts and souls-those people were REALLY getting with it! Steve grabbed my shirttail, and tried to pull me back. He said, "Where in the world do you think you are going?" So I leaned over and told him: "That poor woman is going to need someone to comfort her when she doesn't get healed. " So he looked at her, silently agreed with me, and said "I hope you know what you're doing?" and he let go of me. By this time she had managed to struggle and get up the aisle. So as I got up behind her, he is praying for her-but his eyes are not leaving MY face for a minute. (I found out later, he had known her since he was a little boy) I hurried up to be behind her, soon, as he would be done with her. My son, Danny followed me and was hiding behind my legs, hugging onto me, as children do with their Mothers. I was a bit nervous. I tried to concentrate on her -and not on all those people 'looking at me" He looked at this lady, (he had already had his hand on her forehead, and I had assumed been praying for her?) HE looks right at me, and ask her: "What is it you want from God?" She looked kind of perplexed and told him: " You know I want my leg healed!" So he concentrates for a second and then smugly looks up at me, and tells her: " It is done!" I thought: " Yeah, right!" Then I looked at her leg, and before my very eyes I WATCHED as her leg transformed and grew into a perfectly normal leg! She saw it too, and began to SCREAM-as did everyone in the sanctuary! People were running off of the platform. Just then the Spirit of God hit her-and she RAN the aisles. I had NEVER seen that before-she ran with a super natural speed that just wasn't humanly possible! My son described it later as "running like the road runner-beep beep" I went into shock. Literally. My mind was blank. Dumbfounded. As everyone concentrated on HER, the Evangelist narrowed in on ME. He sweetly (but smugly) came up and asked me "And what do YOU want from God, young lady?" Well-I hadn't come up there for "anything" I wasn't about to expose my real purpose for being there to him or anyone else-especially while that lady is still running! I searched my heart QUICKLY for something to ask for-I couldn't think of anything I wanted from God except I told him: " I want to know a God like THAT (pointing at the lady still running) better." HE looked a bit surprised, and stepped back a minute stunned. Then I could tell God was talking to him (he looked as if he was listening). Then he began to laugh heartily And he told me "Honey you don't have a clue what you just asked for; but BOY are you EVER going to get it!" then he laid hands on me and began to prophesy He prophesied that the ministry God was calling me into and how God would protect me and how the devil would attack me at every corner and "try" to take me and my children's lives over and over again but that he wouldn't be able to. HE prophesied about the 'gifts" God was bestowing upon me and would use me in etc etc etc Not once did he say God was healing me or a thing about my being sick and dying and not once did it even occur to ask or think about it. As I began to walk away I did turn back And asked him if he could ask God one more thing for me HE looked surprised but said, "sure, what is it?" I asked him to ask God to help my son, Danny for I had ALOT of behaviour problems with him, etc so he laid hands on Danny and then told me he would begin fasting and praying for Danny. At the end of the service, he announced (looking directly at me) that the very last night of the Revival, he had asked God to give him some "special effects" to prove his word was from God. To bring all the lost family members, for God was going to manifest HIs power and SHOW that He was God that He was going to call his own "fireworks " down from heaven just as Elijah had. I didn't even know who Elijah was. He was going to preach on Revelations and Jesus second coming. I was thinking. What was this service? With a woman's deformed flesh being remoulded right in front of my very eyes? Swiss cheese? What more could he do? " But I never missed a service we were always there way before service (Two week Revival) Our truck broke; and we walked 11 miles in the snow and 20 degrees below zero, (bundling Danny up and taking turns carrying him) to get there (after first time, Pastor got us a ride). The walk took us over two hours. And we weren't disappointed After we got home after the second service I was helping Melinda (my roommate-care taker) fix dinner. I had been feeling so much better and just hadn't thought much of it. I was just grateful for a few days that were "up" days (I had finally got my nerve up and called and told my Mom I was dying) Melinda, however had ridiculed and found fault with everything to the best of her ability. She constantly was telling me why hadn't I asked to be healed, if it was real? I honestly, just hadn't thought of it. As we were peeling potatoes, I almost cut my finger off, practically. I ran cold water over it, put a band-aid on it, and went back to peeling the potatoes not thinking Melinda is panicking and I told her, " It is just a cut." Then she exclaims, "Yeah, well, Jackie JUST a cut should just about kill YOU!" THEN it hit me. I wasn't bleeding all over My wound HAD clotted almost instantly! I took the band aid off; to look, not being able to believe it myself sure enough it wasn't bleeding not even a little bit! We left the potatoes and ran to the Drs office, He ran blood test, and then he ran more blood test. Then he ran more blood test. We were there for hours! When he came back; he said he just didn't understand it but it seemed, even though it was impossible, in my case, that I was in what seemed to be like "remission" although in my disease that NEVER happened My blood work had come back TOTALLY normal! In EVERY area! And he started warning me how it couldn't last and to not get my hopes up etc I didn't hear a word he said! I was ecstatic! "I" was healed GOD healed "ME" He loved "me" He wanted me to live I could raise my son I just wanted to shout to the whole world the clouds looked so beautiful! And the flowers. And children and everything suddenly looked so beautiful I was going to live! |