Brother Named Ray



In the stillness of the cold mid-day
Many sad thoughts venture my way
But the saddest thought I could possibly convey
Is the loss of a dear friend and brother - named Ray

Two years of heartbreak has weeped by
And - still - within my heart I cry,
Because somehow I have managed to completely deny
Myself, the fact, my brother really did die

I have found it very difficult to hide
The agony and feelings of defeat I suffer inside,
For I realize I shall never be able to rely
On Time--to heal more wounds than meets the eye

Time cannot begin to make disappear
The memories of one so loved and dear
But, most painful is the anguish-combined with a fear
That, I'll never get over his death, whatever the year

I know I can't be asking too much of our Lord
To alleviate the grievance in my heart that is stored,
Instead, He is abundant with perfect harmony and accord
Letting me know my prayers have not been ignored

It isn't surprising how after two years I feel
The freshness of those wounds I declared would never heal,
It seems, regardless of my past longing, desire, or will
I am maintaining this feeeling of torment still

As this time of closing, there is one thing more I must say
That each night as I bow my head to pray,
I shall ask God to reserve me a place on that narrow pathway
That will lead me to - my missed, loved, and never forgotten


Linda's Poems

The Pathway of Hope

Prayer, Praise, & Salvation

"He Lives"

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