...Get Ready, Get Set, Go...


The Lord looks with this heart of mine
And says, "Linda, forever let it shine",
For I am with you, "Always" as I say
Not just this minute, but every day.

For when your deep within your bed of trails
You won't go through more than I will allow,
I will bring you "up" and give you a goal
You can't see it now, but his I know.

You will be a "gift" to others from Me
For everyone near and far to see,
So, get ready, get set, then let go
Seek the life you've lingered after so.

I'll be with you, every single step
To lean on, provide All your help,
You can do it, just you always believe!
Whatever it is, I promise, you will achieve.

Then one day we'll stand with all those you love
Living the happy wonderous life in Heaven Above,
Whether the years or months, tomorrow or noon,
Heavens calling is so very soon!

So, Go, speak, let my words be known
Also, walking the walk like you've been shown,
And, as for those you love so dear
Don't worry one bit, for one thing is clear,
They, to will do as I've ask of you

When in doubt, they will ask,
What Would Jesus Do?

Linda wrote this poem for all those in need.
The Lord spoke these words to her as she was sitting next to me.
She had written this poem in 20 minutes time, maybe less.
God has always used her poetry to tell others of His feelings.
He has always let her light shine through to others with her words.
Through her own experiences in life, she knows that Jesus is the answer to all things.
All her strength has been derived from the Lord!
He has given her a faith that we all should seek!

"Open Our Eyes Lord"

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