My Dearest Sue Ann



Today is your birthday
Just what can I say,
Except I wish I could be there
And, in your fondest moments share

"The smile on your face
As you keep such rapid pace
The glow in your eyes
As you open each surprise"

The touch of your gentle little hands
That I know I could hardly withstand
The amazement you show in your warm, gentle heart
As you leave a year behind, to get another off,
To a brand-new-start

Sue Ann, Although I could not be there
And, in your fondest moments share
I want you to always know
..I Love You So..

Linda wrote this poem for my daughter on her first birthday.
Linda always called Sue Ann..."Angel Baby".
Today Sue Ann has two children of her own,
But she is still that "Angel Baby" to us.

"I'll Rise Again"

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