

Thanks for stopping by. I'm Wendy Eldredge, otherwise known as wendywiggly (my mother, in her youth, once dated a fellow who's family owned a Piggly Wiggly. If they'd married I'd be...well you get the picture).My interests are my husband, my dogs and cats, hiking, gardening, discussion lists, and as you'll discover from these pages, I love playing around with web page design. Check out the links and resources page for some good html help sites, as well as graphics sites.

I'm a Georgia native, born and raised in
Macon. I moved to Athens where I really grew up, and currently reside in the metro Atlanta area.

Being the youngest of three girls, I had it made. By the time I hit my teens, my older sisters were out of the house and I had my parents all to myself. Occasionally, this was a pain, but for the most part the adage holds true.
It's good to be the baby! While I don't consider myself to be particularly spoiled now, I sure did like getting my way then.

One of the advantages, to me at least, of growing up with only sisters was that my dad taught us all how to bait a hook, clean a fish, shoot a rifle, and maintain a car. After blowing the engine in my first car, a 1965 Ford Falcon I'd inherited from my grandfather (hey, it may have been old, but got me were I wanted to go and even into a few movies), my dad made me rebuild the engine. Now that was a fun way to spend a summer. Of course, as soon as I got the engine rebuilt the transmission blew. The drawback to all this is that nowadays, with all this great mechanical background, I'm the one in charge of our current auto maintenance. Naturally, as my mother realized I would be a perpetual tomboy, the fact that I spend all my free time either tramping around in the woods, or traipsing after a bunch of smelly old sheep doesn't surprise her in the least.

Being raised in the South has it's advantages as well as disadvantages:

While most Southerners have a drawl of one form or another (yes, there are variations), many non-southerners tend to equate the speed of speech with intelligence (the slower the drawl the dumber the speaker). T'aint necessarily so, but them thinking such often comes in handy. In actuality, the hotter the weather the slower one talks (it just makes sense to talk slow when it's too hot to breath!).

Used to be that fannies would be whupped if a child spoke to and adult without a "yes ma'am" or a "no sir", and everyone was addressed with respect until behavior proved respect wasn't due. I kinda miss that!

I am currently a State of Georgia employee, working with the State Employees' Retirement System, as a disability retirement specialist. My free time is spent with my husband, a MBA student at Georgia State University (who will be looking for a job soon, Hint Hint), and the rest of the hole in the head gang. Current projects include: creating an indigenous-plants garden and sheep herding.

Want to find me? You can usually on the following
discussion lists:

Aussie-L; devoted to the discussion, praise and love for Australian Shepherds

Herders-L; devoted to the discussion of herding with all breeds of dogs

Traildog; devoted to the joys of hiking with your four-legged pals

Home The Rest of the Gang Activities and Clubs

Gardening Hiking Photo Album Resources and Links


Copyright© Wendy Eldredge
The Hole In The Head Gang