Below you are going to see links, hopefully this page won't be updated too often, but
they will take you to pages which tell about people who live their lives doing atrocious
acts to innocent animals. They will also let you know that there are people out
there who care, just as we do. Legislation to punish these wicked assholes is
extremely lenient or doesn't exist at all. People must start voicing their outrage
that cruelty is being condoned by our judicial system. Please take the time to make
your voice heard . . . As I was working to put up the initial links on my page, it
became very clear that there is too much cruelty which goes unpunished. The web is
filled with cruelty, both to animals and to people. And you liberal minded people
out there don't help out at all with your rehabilitation theories. It's about time
some of these jerks get as good as they give.