To my dear friends, My wish for you this holiday season is to enjoy yourselves. Share in all the love,magic,mystery,and happiness this season can offer. Please remember the most important about this holiday season; the reason for the season. Teach those around you what this holiday season is about. Its not just about the gifts but sharing of ones self. Spread the joy,love ,happiness,hope and charity about you. Do this and I promise you that you will receive far more than what you gave. Also to One and All that visit my site, If you party this holiday season; do so responsibly. Do not drink and drive. Arrive home alive . To my mom and family, I hope that you all realize just how much you mean to me in my life. Just how much love and hope and understanding that you generate to me and for me. Without any of you in my life my life would be incomplete and empty. Thank you for being there when I needed you and even when I didn't. Please know that I love you all deeply. To Darrel, What can I say that you don't know already. My hopes are the we continue to grow together as one. That we will continue to share all the love and happiness we both so desire and deserve. This is my hope and my desire.
Merry Christmas to All and have a wonderful New Year Kathy
Happy New Years |