Come See Our Playroom!
First, weez want yuz ta know where da baffroom is! Mommie hates little messes. Weez got our own sandbox in da playroom so weez don't haff ta stop playin' furr long! It's big enuff fur both of us and da two new kitties weez jus adopted! Mommie says weez need ta learn how 'portant it is ta take good care of kitties, so she got us our furry own cyber kitties!
Dis is KaliKoe and Tort! Dey is furry fun ta play wiff!
Weez twyin' ta make dem feel at home! Mommie gots lots of toys furr us, and of course weez haff a scratchin' post thing. Weez teachin' KaliKoe and Tort how ta use it, 'cause mommie is furry fussy 'bout where weez scratch! Matter of fact, she's so fussy, dat weez haff five scratchy things all total! All of ums haff perch places where weez can sit or curl up and snooze.
Our favorite toys are gettin' purrty beat up. Mommie says she picks up mousie fur and birdie feathers effurryday! Dats 'cause weez are good attack kitties! Weez hunt and pounce wiff great skill!
Weez also like ta play wiff balloons. Weez got some from josie at hers furry first birthday party! And weez haff beany baby kitties, and string, and uffer stuffed kitty cats dat mommie's kids at school gived her. Da yarn is da most fun 'specially when daddy is pullin' it! He makes us jump furry high into da air, den KABOOM! weez down an runnin' again!
Affur all dat play weez need ta reenergize! Mommie makes sure dat weez haff enuff Purina One chicken in our bowls. Weez used ta eat Iams, but once weez tasted dat chicken - Yum!- it was bye, bye Mr. Iams! Mommie makes sure dat weez get our tartar-control pounce effurryday too. Keeps ours teeth healthy an sharp furr those mousies!
Kalikoe and Tort usually gets tired before us. Dey is still furry young. So weez tuck dem into da quilt on da chair before weez leave da playroom to meet mommie at the door after her work is over.