Who is stupid and pathetic?
You may be stupid and pathetic if...
you have ever felt more for a person than they felt for you and you tried to convince them why they should feel the same as you
you didn't end a relationship when you knew you should have
you got married even though you knew your relationship had irreparable flaws that would create the eventuality of divorce
V.P.'s corner
Membership info
no application form need
simply make note of the incident as listed above or a similar incident
make a membership card including your name (a pseudonym if you desire, however, this will not help you recover) and the date you commenced membership. Month, year. If year only can be stated, this if fine. If you cannot remember the first stupid and pathetic incident, use the current month and year.
keep your membership in a place where you will be sure to see it, your wallet, hanging on the bathroom mirror, as a reminder to NOT be stupid and pathetic
if a new incident of stupidity and patheticness, you must destroy your card and create a new one.
remember, you didn't get stupid and pathetic in day, so it will take more than one day to NOT be stupid and pathetic.
Please do not fear the stigmatism of being a member of this club. The president and vice president are vibrant, intelligent women whose only weaknesses are falling in love and have so much persistence that they can't let go under even the most dire of circumstances.