Michelle's Math Page-Fractals

In a math class I took at WSU, I learned how to render graphics using only the primitives of a lighting a pixel and drawing a line. The class started with drawing the axes systems, triangles, then performing transformations and using different eye-views of our rendered images. Then came my favorite, fractals. They don't require a lot of code, just many iterations. In the class I drew Sierpenski's Gasket in C++. I decided to redraw it in Visual Basic to take advantage of the fact that I could save it to a bitmap. Below is the result, after saving it to a bitmap from VB and converting it to a jpg. I also found an iterative function system (ifs) for Barnsley's Fren, so I rendered it. Below is also an animated gif I contructed:

The cougar colors describe the ifs.
Well, here the color scheme had only aesthetic value.

Come back see what other nifty recreational mathematics I do! I'm starting some java applets!

Go here to see pictures of WSU's math dept Sella's night.

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