In the front foyer, just inside from the Porch, It started innocently enough. I was admiring a Hummel bookend set at Lyle's Mother's house right after we married when she said, "You can have them if you'd like. I've kept them only because they've been in the family since the 1950's." Well, those bookends started our collection! Now we have 42 MI Hummels, 6 white MI Hummels, 1 Berta Hummel and 2 dolls! "Chick Girl" and "Playmates" are a couple of my favorites.
The two dolls we own are "Umbrella Girl" and "Umbrella Boy" represented by these pictures of the figurines they were modeled after. Our dolls have cloth bodies and ceramic heads, arms and legs. They are dressed identical to the figurines and hold cloth umbrellas.
If you'd like to learn more about these precious figurines and their history,
Visit the offical M.I.Hummel® web site If you'd like to see figurines for sale on the secondary market, Visit Ebay's On Line Action Site
You are visitor since 3 May 98
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