Copy of letter written by Jabez Ballard to his nephew Frank Harmon Garver who was living in Los Angeles, Calif. There was no date on the letter. My great grandfather's name was Reuben Ballard. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary War from start to finish. He lived in Georgia. My grandfather's name was John Ballard. He was born in Georgia and when he got married, he settled in Kentucky and lived there til my Uncle Philip and my father was born; also my Aunt Appy and Uncle John, and then I think he moved to Missouri and from there he moved to Indiana and from there to Iowa and died in Marshall County May 1, 1848. I do not know the dates of any of them but the four oldest. Uncle Philip was born April 10, 1802, Aunt Appy was born in 1804, my father William Ballard was born May 3, 1806 and my Uncle John was born in 1808. In the family there were ten children, five boys and five girls and all lived to man and womanhood. Grandfather and Grandmother lived to see them all grown and have families. My father was born in Kentucky but lived in Indiana from boyhood days to manhood and moved to Iowa in 1839 and settled in Des Moines County, lived there nine years and then moved to Marshall County in the spring of 1848. (Your mother was born in Des Moines County April 3, 1840.) My grandfather on my mother's side was James Huston. He was born in Maryland but I don't know the date. In his family there was two girls and one boy John. My mother was Rebecca Huston. She was born July 28, 1807, and Dianah for who your mother was named but I don't know the date of her birthday. In my father's family there was seven. James the oldest was born Sept. 15, 1829, Philip was born June 5, 1833, Margaret was born February 14, 1836, Dianah was born April 3, 1840, Reuben was born May 22, 1842, Jabez was born September 13, 1845 and Hugh was born August 5, 1849.