University of Washington, Dept of Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Newsletter: Autumn 1995, Volume Staff Additions The department welcomed two new staff members in January, Curt Fritsch and Beverly Winner-Coates. Mr. Fritsch filled the position of assistant to the chairman, and Ms. Winner-Coates moved into the main office as the new staff receptionist. Mr. Fritsch, a native Texan, has called many parts of the country home. He has a BA in international relations from UCLA, and holds advanced degrees from UW and the University of Rhode Island. A veteran of 24 years in the navy, he served on surface ships in the Pacific for 12 years and had shore tours at UW, the Naval War College, and the Department of State. Ms. Winner-Coates is originally from southeastern Pennsylvania, and has a BA in secondary education from the University of Arizona. She has taught high school, was employed on the Trans-Alaska Pipeline for nine years, and worked as a technical recruiter for contract engineers for six years. For the past two years she has worked for the university in temporary positions at Harborview and the UW Medical Center. Mr. Fritsch lives in Redmond with his two sons, Curtis and Danny. His interests include sailing, fishing, camping, and backpacking, and he is an adult leader in Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts. Ms. Winner-Coates enjoys computers, backpacking, and travel. She and her husband, Dale, live in the Lake Stevens area with their three Alaskan Malamutes and a twenty pound attack cat named Jasper.