I hope you liked my webpages. Please sign my guestbook!!

richard - 09/21/99 22:53:23
My Email:richardcompton@netscape.net
How did you find me?: listed on netcenter

I sent an e-mail a short while age and thought I'd sign the book as well......

Ethel Malvik - 08/04/99 18:45:49
My Email:emmaverick@juno.com
Where are you from?: New York City
How did you find me?: EFFORTS

Great,Kate! I didn't really have a clear idea of what it was. It's a great combination of things. Did you try sending the whole page to Rosie O'Donnell? I'd love to see you on TV. Still think you should check your spelling, though. It's just the edit r in me.

- 07/28/99 00:35:42


- 07/26/99 22:11:27


Matthew Owens - 07/25/99 07:28:31
My Email:KanyonDogg@aol.com
Where are you from?: Colorado
How did you find me?: My mom

Hi me and my brother are the one usally on the computer and we understand more about our mom's Disease than our younger brother but we'd like to know more about it. We also don't get to talk about it much with our friends cause they dont know what we are alking about. And its kinda scary to know that our mom has many lung disorders that might kill her. But she won't stop smoking. We would love to talk to you. you can reach us at (matthew)= KanyonDogg@aol.com 12yrs old or (marc)=James19730@aol.com 10 1 2 years old.

Michelle Owens - 07/25/99 07:21:37
My Email:MJOMML@aol.com


Anna Roller-Ross - 07/21/99 07:06:08
My Email:anna10143@aol.com
Where are you from?: Oklahoma/CA
How did you find me?: An Angel brought you.


David F. Lindsay - 05/29/99 18:10:11
My Email:dlindsaysr@ntr.net
Where are you from?: Maysville. Ky.
How did you find me?: efforts

I enjoyed your page very much. I thought your poems were really great. I will chat later by e-mail, and I am looking forward to seeing you in July in Richmond. Good breathing from your friend David in Ky.

Susan - 05/25/99 02:34:29
My Email:SuznGW@aol.com
Where are you from?: California
How did you find me?: Lung and Resperitory disorders message boards

Dear Kaytlyn, I'm sorry about your mother. My Mother has Emphysema also. She is in her early 60's. Your mom is younger. So sad. Your Web site is very interesting. You are a very bright , sensitive young lady. Thank you for sharing it with others! Susan in California

(Barb again) - 05/20/99 16:38:15

You've put together a fantastic and very moving page(s). Thanks.

Barb Knowles - 05/20/99 16:36:58
My Email:Babsk1826@aol.com
Where are you from?: Tallahassee, Florida
How did you find me?: EFFORTS


Lisa and Tegan - 03/19/99 04:40:18
Where are you from?: queensland, Australia
How did you find me?: on the internet

we think it's so sad and you should be congradulated on your bravery we don't know what we'd do if something like that happened to us . That makes us really think twice about ever picking up a ciggarette. we think you are really brave for witting this love Tegan and Lisa P.S thankyou for touching our hearts

bkeys - 03/16/99 05:03:10
My Email:hkeys@socket.net
Where are you from?: J.c. mo
How did you find me?: Efforts

good lay out and color. need music

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