The art of decorating eggs is an ancient one. Simple colored
eggs were exchanged as gifts in ancient Egypt and Persia.
Scratch carving and Pysanky eggs have been a part of the
European culture for centuries. Egg shapes in different
mediums from the sugar-candy peephole eggs of the 1800's to
the gold, gem-studded eggs made by Faberge for
Tsar Alexander III have captivated people for years.

The natural egg is a wonderful medium to use for different
art forms. Painting, decoupage, decorating with beads and
trim, cut and hinged, decorated inside and out, it's uses
are almost unlimited.

My involvement in egguery began as a child when my mother,
Bettina, began working with them. She helped us make eggs
with scenes in them using chicken eggs. Definately a more
talented egger than I, she has patience and a special talent
for fine details that I don't have. I have included a page
with some of her eggs.

While I enjoy making various kinds of eggs, I always find
myself looking forward to Christmas time. The simple but
beautiful decoupaged Christmas ornaments that are made using
goose eggs that adorn many Christmas trees, are still my favorites.

Take a look at some of our eggs on the following pages.

Kristine's Eggs

Bettina's Eggs 1