Space:Above and Beyond originally aired on Fox for the ‘95-’96 season. A science fiction/war drama set in the year 2063, it chronicled the lives of a squad of Marine fighters in their quest to defend earth from hostile aliens. Despite the poor treatment given it by the Fox network., Space lives on. It has garnered fans worldwide and has just begun it’s second run in repeats on the Sci Fi Channel.
I became a fan of Space while recuperating from surgery that forced me to sit up nights. After three nights of channel surfing and finding more Baywatch’s than I would ever care to watch (one would have been sufficient!), I began to sort through the unmarked video cassette tapes. (A dreaded task for anyone! But I was desperate!) It was on these tapes that I found episodes of Space:Above and Beyond that had been taped for my son.
I soon found myself ignoring my original goal of finding tapes to tape over and looking instead for more Space episodes. Here at last was quality television! Here at last was quality sci fi! A storyline with respect for the intelligence of sci fi fans. Well written with excellent characters that cared for and respected each other. Excellent special effects. An honest portrayal of humanity still testing the reaches of our technological advances with an awe for the power of the unknown. “No friendly aliens...No cute robots...No holodecks...No mercy!!” (59th Space Ready Reserves).
I watched each new episode with interest. It was something that became enjoyable for us as a family. Something we all could enjoy and be comfortable watching together. When I learned that Fox was canceling it after just one season I did something I have never done before or since. I got involved. I wrote letters, quite a few in fact. I joined the official fan club, the 59th Ready Reserves and the on line fan club, The 96th Recon. I am still actively involved in trying to win a new season for SAAB or, at the least, a two hour movie.
In the words of Commodore Ross, “Abandon all hope my @$$!”