My Beliefs

I am...

1. A child of God. (Romans 8:16)

2. Forgiven (Colosians 1:13-14)

3. Saved by grace through faith(Ephesians 2:8)

4. Justified (Romans 5:11)

5. A new creature. (2 Corinthians 5:17)Jimboomba Uniting Church

6. Led by the spirit of God (Romans 8:14)

7. Kept in safety wherever I go (Psalm 91:11)

8. Casting all my cares on Jesus. (1 Peter 5:7)

9. Doing all things through Christ who strengthens me. (Phillipians 4:13)

10. Bringing every thought into captivity. (2 Corinthians 10:5)

11 Being transformed by a renewed mind. (Romans 12:1-2)

12. The righteousness of God in Christ. (2 Corinthians 5:21)

13. An imitator fo Jesus. (Ephesians 5:1)

14. Filled with laughter and rejoicing. (Job 8:21)

You may ask why do I believe in the above affirmations. Let me tell you about my walk with the Lord.

As a baby I was baptised into the Presbyterian Church.
I attended Sunday School every Sunday. In my teens I was a member of the Presbyterian Fellowship of Australia (PFA).
Other church based activities I participated in were the Choir and Girls' Brigade.

It was not until I was about 16 that I made a commitment to the Lord and started classes for my confirmation.
I started to teach Sunday School and then I really came under attack.

This was the time when Mum and Dad were having some violent arguements and the members of my class wrote me letters telling me to drop dead!

I felt totally alone and even when I prayed I felt that God was not listening. For some time I held onto 1 Corinthians 10:13; "No temptation has seizzed you but what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyound what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."

Things did not seem to get any better and that was when I attempted to take my life. God had other plans and so my attempt was unsuccessful.

It was not until much later in my life that God had a purpose in letting me go through this.
I droped out of church and left home. I was looking for some one to love me and if God was not keeping me in safety I am sure I could have finished up pregnant and in all sorts of trouble

It was during this time that I met Henk and we were married. We were married in The Ann Street Presbyterian Church by a minister who was a student Minister at the church I attend as a child.

Shortly after this I felt drawn again to the Lord.

It was not untill we moved to Woodridge that I again became active in going to church. I felt that it was necessary for our children to go to Sunday School and learn about the Christian Life and the fun that could be.
I went to various churches trying to recapture what I had in my youth.
These Included Pentacostal; Christian Outreach (where I had full immersian baptism); Assemblies of God; Church of Christ and finally Uniting Church.

I do not believe that every one receives the gift of tongues.
I do not have this gift even though I have prayed for it and other have prayed for me to receive it.

A lot of people have been hurt by people and ministers in churches including me. This is one of the reasons why the other members of my family are not interested in Church.
They have seen the hurt that has been afflicted on me. May times I have felt tempted to turn my back on the church. But then I remember how Christ must have felt when he hung on the cross. The pain and suffering he went through was much greater than anyting the church had one to me.

We must keep our minds focused on Christ and not on what his people do!! None of us are perfect. We all make mistakes and take what people do the wrong way.

If there is one thing I learned from my mother and that was the fact that unforgiveness causes bitterness and bitterness effects your health and can eventually kill you.

I have always felt that God was guiding me. Even though I am married to an unbeliever, my husband has never prevented me from going to church and he has even paid for courses I have done.

One day, I believe that all my family will come to accept Christ as their saviour.

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