List your dogs:Include call names, breed and registration numbers (If applicable):
List dog clubs of which you have been a member; indicate offices held:
List titles you have placed on your dogs:breed,obedience,field,etc.
To help us get to know you better, please tell how you heard about our club, how you became interested in dog obedience and what you expect from your membership in MBDTC: anything else you wish to share will be appreciated.
After filling out and signing the application, have two club members who have agreed to sponsor you sign in the space provided below:
Payment of dues must accompany the application: Dues are $_________for the first year and $_______each following year. Make checks payable to Mobile Bay Dog Training Club, Inc.
Return signed application and dues to Membership Chairman. It is the policy of the Club that each applican attend two regular club meetings prior to being voted into membership. Extenuating circumstances will be considered by the Board upon request.