Candlewicking is French Knots placed one-half inch apart from each other following a traced pattern or design line. Usually done on unbleached muslin fabric then made into a 14-inch square pillow with ruffle edge. Or made into a very large project, such as a quilt.
Unbleached Muslin, Linen, Cotton, Duck Cotton.
Six Strand of DMC Floss any color desired, tracing pencil, tracing paper, scrissors, No. 24 or 26 Cross-Stitch Needle, Pattern.
First find a simple, large pattern or design, often children's coloring books offer great ideas & patterns. Trace from the coloring book the pattern onto typing paper. Then transfer the design using tracing paper to the fabric--- Be Sure to Center the Design.
Beginning anywhere on your design, with six strands of floss threaded through the large eye of your needle, come from underneath your fabric (poking along the design line) make a loop and insert the needle through the loop twice, then re-insert the needle from the top-side of the fabric alongside the first hole. With your index finger guide this loop to the top-side of the fabric as you gently pull the thread from underneath. A French Knot has just been made. Space each succeeding French Knots along the design line you traced every one-half inch (more or less) until the entire design area is covered.
Carefully wash by hand with mild detergent your finished work. Let air dry, and place a bath towel on your ironing board and with a dampened men's handkerchief Lightly Steam Press the fabric, Being Careful Not to Mash your French Knots.
This page was created July 11, 1998.
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