This church embraces the conservative evangelical position of Bible doctrine which includes:

1. The full and final authority of the Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, as the inspired revelation of God’s truth to man, completely trustworthy and the only and sufficient rule for faith and practice.

2. The trinity of the Godhead: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit; one God but three Persons.

3. The absolute deity of Jesus Christ; His miraculous birth of a virgin, conceived by the Holy Spirit; His perfect and sinless humanity as true manhood; His substitutionary and sinless humanity as true manhood; His substitutionary atoning death through the shedding of His blood on the cross as the only means of redemption, forgiveness, and reconciliation of sinful man; His bodily, physical resurrection from the grave; His ascension into Heaven; His high priestly ministry of intercession at the right hand of the Father; and his personal, visible, impending return for His Church before the millennium.

4. The sinful state of the entire human race through the disobedience of Adam, because of the work of Satan; the necessity of personal faith in Jesus Christ for salvation from sin and the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit in order to provide a new birth.

5. The individual priesthood of each believer, and the competency of the individual soul to have direct access to God and to be personally guided by the Holy Spirit in understanding the Scriptures; that the true Church is made up of all who have experienced the new birth and have thus been baptized by the Spirit into the Body of Christ of which He is the Head.

6. The responsibility of the local assembly to carry out the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ: to evangelize, baptize, teach, and to observe all that He has commanded.

7. The commandment of the Lord Jesus is that His people observe two ordinances until He comes, Believer’s Baptism and the Lord’s Supper, neither of which are essential to salvation, nor to membership in this church. In accordance with His command, therefore, we observe the ordinances of Believers’ Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.


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